Pieced together: Collage as an artist’s method for interdisciplinary research – a very interesting piece of research by Kathleen Vaughan

Below are details of a very interesting piece of research published by Kathleen Vaughan – especially in relation to some of the themes on this site e.g. collage and/as postmodernism, self-as-text, narrative, studies, holism – and many others.

To see the whole thing go HERE

Pieced together: Collage as an artist’s method for interdisciplinary research

Kathleen Vaughan

Kathleen Vaughan, BA, AOCA, MFA, is a visual artist, teacher, writer, and doctoral candidate in education at York University, Toronto, Canada

Abstract: As a visual artist undertaking doctoral studies in education, the author required a research method that integrated her studio practice into her research process, giving equal weight to the visual and the linguistic. Her process of finding such a method is outlined in this article, which touches on arts-based research and practice-led research, and her ultimate approach of choice, collage. Collage, a versatile art form that accommodates multiple texts and visuals in a single work, has been proposed as a model for a “borderlands epistemology”: one that values multiple distinctive understandings and that deliberately incorporates nondominant modes of knowing, such as visual arts. As such, collage is particularly suited to a feminist, postmodern, postcolonial inquiry. This article offers a preliminary theorizing of collage as a method and is illustrated with images from the author’s research/visual practice.

Keywords: aesthetic practice, artistic practice, textile sculpture, interdisciplinary


Vaughan, K. (2004). Pieced together: Collage as an artist’s method for interdisciplinary research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 4(1), Article 3. Retrieved [insert date] from http://www.ualberta.ca/~iiqm/backissues/4_1/html/vaughan.htm


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Author: Roger - Dr Roger Prentice

Now I write, teach and coach mainly self-understanding. At advanced levels About 21stC 'interfaith as inter-spirituality' - and how we can grow closer to our True Self. In the past I : . 1) I ran courses and give talks at conferences and in universities and colleges in the UK, China, USA, Canada, Scandinavia etc. . 2) I provided materials, outlines and lessons for Schools. . 3) My range of interests include personal development, learning and teaching, photography and film, the arts generally, spirituality and educational practice and theory. . 4) At the same time I continue developing the human-centred studies SunWALK PDS (People Development System) - a whole-person, high-achievement model for individuals, and for use in, NGOs, schools and other organizations. . 5) The key question that continues to animate me and my work remains, "What is it to be fully and positively human?" . Contact me via onesummit AT gmail DOT com (replace At with@ etc.). . All good wishes Roger (Dr Roger Prentice) . For those interested; My first degree is in English and Education. My masters is in Adult and Community Education. My doctorate presented a new holistic meta-model of education called SunWALK.

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