Diane Benscoter video on cults – my question is how do cults and fundamentalism relate to each other?

This is Diane Benscoter’s all-too-short video on her membership of, and escape from, the Moonie cult;

For me the importance of all negative behaviours lies in how far they can help us in deciding how to live positively.  For example the value of criminology lies in what insights it can give us for schooling, parenting, community welfare, governance etc.

My question here is how do cults and fundamentalism relate to each other?

Sub-questions – What characteristics do cults and fundamentalist groups hold in common?  Is there any religion that protects the autonomy and freedom of the individual?  (Quakerism?)  Can a religion not be a cult, but be run as a cult by being captured by ‘fundamentalists’?  Is not the difference between fundamentalism and simple being strait-laced what you want to happen to others?

My immediate thoughts are;

Cults and Fundamentalism share the desire to;

a) have power over others and remove their freedom – up to the point of removing identity,

b) extract or utilise the energy and resources from the individual

To do this they need to

maintain in ‘believers’ an imposed ‘reading’ of the world

prevent deviation from this via the threat of dire consequences

establish and keep up ‘them and us’ consciousness

Which other questions and characteristics should I have included?

PS Diane Benscoter’s theory of  cults being a ‘viral meme-etic infection’ is useful



Posted via web from sunwalking’s posterous

Author: Roger - Dr Roger Prentice

Now I write, teach and coach mainly self-understanding. At advanced levels About 21stC 'interfaith as inter-spirituality' - and how we can grow closer to our True Self. In the past I : . 1) I ran courses and give talks at conferences and in universities and colleges in the UK, China, USA, Canada, Scandinavia etc. . 2) I provided materials, outlines and lessons for Schools. . 3) My range of interests include personal development, learning and teaching, photography and film, the arts generally, spirituality and educational practice and theory. . 4) At the same time I continue developing the human-centred studies SunWALK PDS (People Development System) - a whole-person, high-achievement model for individuals, and for use in, NGOs, schools and other organizations. . 5) The key question that continues to animate me and my work remains, "What is it to be fully and positively human?" . Contact me via onesummit AT gmail DOT com (replace At with@ etc.). . All good wishes Roger (Dr Roger Prentice) . For those interested; My first degree is in English and Education. My masters is in Adult and Community Education. My doctorate presented a new holistic meta-model of education called SunWALK.

One thought on “Diane Benscoter video on cults – my question is how do cults and fundamentalism relate to each other?”

  1. I think cults and fundamentalism are about insulated belief systems. What’s so scary about them is that they are such complete-systems, closed ecologies. I think it’s not normally useful to use labels like this.

    I’ve been advised in Christian churches not to read Nietzsche for example, because such a reading could pull me away from the true path of righteousness (or some other such reason). It’s all a manner of degree.


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