I discovered this very interesting doctoral thesis THE DOUBLE MIRROR by Dr. Sandra Katz.

Dr Katz submitted this thesis via the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE, Ontario Institute of Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.

The Abstract reads thus:

This thesis analytically investigates Drama as a therapeutic medium in an educational context. It emphasizes the inter-relationship between Drama and Therapy implying the connection of Drama as a helping medium to Drama Education. By interviewing each of eight practitioners, representing categorical archetypes in the field, the researcher transcribes their data into narratives. These experts from the field include a former Drama student, an author/researcher, secondary and elementary Drama teachers, a university Drama instructor, and artist/educators. A follow-up session with this group produces a schema of themes that recur in all narrative data. The analysis integrates these themes providing thirty-four points in support of the thesis. The study concludes that Drama represents a “double mirror” for Drama Education. It shows that Drama as a therapeutic medium has meaning, both personal and shared, that affects the interpretation of the role and function of the Drama teacher in the whole educational system.

The thesis can be found HERE


All postings to this site relate to the central SunWALK model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE