Wilber aphorisms

To take nourishment rapidly, as in the beautiful explosion of a great Haiku or short Zen poem,

furuike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto
the old pond / a frog jumps in– / water’s sound [1686]   Wiki

I am putting together some of my favourite short Wilberisms – aphorisms if you like, more direct than concepts.

SFB = The Simple Feeling of Being pub. Shambhala

Blocked emotions

 …when we rest as ever-present Witness, we are not in time.  p248

Every form of mditation is bsically a way to transcend the ego, or die to the ego.  p148.

To understand the whole it is necessary to understand the parts.  To  understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole.  Sch is the circle of understanding.  p200

When I am not an object, I am God.  When I seek an object, I cease to be God, and that catastrophe can never be corrected by more searching for more objects. p249

The entire Kosmos exists as a network of rights and responsibilities correlative with degrees of depth and consciousness.  p200

The block is released when feeling-attention can flow through that area in a full and perfectly unobstructed fashion on its way to infinity. p119


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE