Rules to Get Your Brain Working Better

The Seattle Times provides a very good review of John Medina’s latest book ‘Brain Rules’.


HERE ARE A FEW of John Medina’s “Brain Rules”: The human brain evolved, too. Our ability to solve problems, learn from mistakes and create alliances has been the key to our survival and how we took over the world.

Every brain is wired differently. And what you do and what happens to you actually rewires it.

Remember to repeat. Students should repeat and review what they learned 90 minutes to two hours later — and during school, not just at home.

Sleep well, think well. Taking a nap midafternoon can help make you more productive. One NASA study found pilots improved performance by a third after a nap of about 20 minutes.

Stressed brains don’t learn the same way. The brain is designed to combat short bouts of stress — getting chased by a sabertooth tiger — not long-term stress that comes from an unreasonable boss or a chaotic home life.

We are powerful and natural explorers. Medina says the basis of his book is curiosity. Watch how babies learn. They are hands-on as they explore, theorize, test and conclude. Some parts of adult brains are just as malleable as the infants’, so we can continue to create neurons and learn new things.

To see the excellent long article go HERE


SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

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