Contemplative Art


Carrie Bergman has added Contemplative Art to the range of contemplative approaches. She starts her short article saying;

Creative expression provokes new ways of seeing, understanding ourselves, and relating to one another. As a silent personal practice, art-making allows you to calm and focus your mind while making images that can serve as sources of inspiration and healing.

You can read the whole of the article at The Centre for Contemplative Mind in Society



All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Juxtaposition: Buddhist sand art and s…

Juxtaposition: Buddhist sand art and street paintings



From time to time juxtapositions come along i.e the placing of two or more views the dynamics of which create a rich text for philosophical inquiry and creative response.

I saw on TV a piece about Buddhist sand art. It was fascinating – a sense of the sacred – its destruction at the end of the celebration, the placing of some of the sand into running water so that the good might be more widely disperse, the giving all who attending the ceremony a small bag of the now mixed sand grains. Very powerful, very moving, very spiritual.

I also came across 3D street art as in these examples here

There are many examples of the Buddhist art. Here is one interesting application.

Suggested task: Explore these two forms of art and see how they inform each other within their cultural contexts. What questions arise? What creative expression opportunities arise? What is the dialogue between the philosophical questions and the creative expressions produced?

Am I right there is no subjectivity in the Buddhist’s monks art and in the 2D/3D street art it is highly (?) subjective? Is the first simply symbolic decoration? Is the latter highly disciplined or self-indulgent? What can we say about the fact that both forms have only a short life span before destruction? Des the pavement art get ‘dispersed’?


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Beyond concepts


Light is light for us all.

Take a minute out of the hustle and hassle.

Let your breath breathe you.

Invite quietness.

Sense the whole to which we all belong.


After this there are only concepts –

“Concepts are delicious snacks with which
we try to alleviate our amazement.”

(A J Heschel)


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE