A motto for the UK


In reflecting on whether the UK should have a motto to express the national spirit – just as France has Liberté, égalité, fraternité – a wit wrote to the Times and suggested: DIPSO, FATSO, BINGO, ASBO, TESCO. Having a motto was a suggestion from Prime Minister Gordon Brown.


For American cousins, cross-cultural analysts and other UK observers a background article and other witticisms can be found at the TIMESonline HERE


All postings to this site relate to the central SunWALK model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE


What if mothers did rule the world?


From QuakerDave we have a post we should all be asking – What if mothers did rule the world?

Funny. Sally Field is getting ripped by the Right because of her “insane ranting” at the Emmys last night. This savaging comes in spite of the fact that what she said (despite Fox’s attempt to censor her) is about as “family values” as you can get. The war-hawkers at Fox had to cut what she said because she had the audacity to mention war in the context of her being (and portraying) somebody’s mother, and Rupert couldn’t ever let that happen:

“This (award) belongs to all the mothers in the world – may they be seen, may their work be valued and raised – and especially to mothers who stand with an open heart and wait — wait for their children to come home – from danger, from harm’s way and from war. I am proud to be one of those women… If mothers ruled the world there would be no (expletive) wars.”

Here’s the question for the day: What if mothers did rule the world? ………………

I would say:

Those that live under terror might then have security.

Those that hunger might be fed.

Those that thirst might have clean water.

Those that long for education and a means to earn a living might be affirmed.

Those that seek justice and a respected place in the human family might be given a place at the human family’s ‘table’.

To read QuakerDave’s answers go HERE


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE