Ernst Haas brief biography and appreciation

About Haas no less a photographer than Cartier-Bresson said , “For me Erst was sensitivity itself….”


Haas was born March 2, 1921 in Vienna, Austria and died September 12, 1986 in New York City. Photographer and photojournalist who was influential for his innovations in colour photography. His wonderful photographs include scenes and people just after WWII through to his later experimentations in abstract light and form. He received the Hasselblad Award in 1986.

He said these beautiful, penetrating, things about photography;

“A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?”

“I am not interested in shooting new things – I am interested to see things new.”

“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”

“With photography a new language has been created. Now for the first time it is possible to express reality by reality. We can look at an impression as long as we wish, we can delve into it and, so to speak, renew past experiences at will.”


Something of the spirit of the man and his work can be seen in three of my favourite images;


This for me is the greatest narrative photograph I have ever seen.

haas-snow_lovers.jpg More great photos at this gallery

This is exquisite sensuality of line and texture – made more powerful by the metaphor in the title ‘Snow lovers’.

haas-blurred-running-figures.jpg click to see full-size

To be developed


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE