Texts and Contexts and the Ultimate context – post-modernism and dinosaurs


All postings, and pages, for this site are seen as texts as in ‘particulars’ or parts. But each post or page is as I will later point out in relation to an ‘ultimate’ context.

The parts or particulars are as in Wilber;

“To understand the whole it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding.

We move from part to whole and back again, and in that dance of comprehension, in that amazing circle of understanding we come alive to meaning, to value, and to vision: the very circle of understanding guides our way, weaving together the pieces, healing the fractures, mending the torn and fractured fragments, lighting the way ahead – this extraordinary movement from part to whole and back again, with healing the hallmark of every step, and grace the tender reward.” Eye of Spirit; an integral vision for a world gone slightly mad by Ken Wilber (1997) pub. Shambhala p.1.

Handling more and more challenging texts is one way to think of progress in education.

One aspect of post-modernism is the attention paid to con-texts. Literally con-text = what (meaning) comes with the text. A whole bunch of questions then become vital for examining the the text in one or more contexts. For example who wrote it or made it and for whom – and why, with what reward, what pressures etc.

One key variable then for the teacher is how s/he emphasizes (or de-emphasizes) contexts as s/he conducts discourse with the class.

I always felt that historical contexts were less important than how a text helps us right now- the group – in informing our selves more deeply concerning, ‘What it is to be positively and fully human’.

One source of novelty in post-modernist art is to re-contextualize objects – literally to give them a new framework. A friend got her first-class honours degree for – amongst other pieces of work – taking a reproduction of an old master and tucking under the arm of a central figure a baby dinosaur.

The most memorable teaching of my life was with a group 12-13 year olds when discussing the shortest story in the world, “When I woke up the dinosaur was still there.” All the drive and creativity was in construction of possible contexts as well as discussing whether or not it constitute a ‘story’ in any meaningful way. In due course I will post sections of the video of the ‘story lesson’.

Schools and teachers should provide experiences that help with developing a sense of the Whole and not just the ‘hell of relativity’ when the world is presented as just endless bits.

The ultimate context that we are all in, in reading all of the texts that come our way, is one of mystery, of not knowing. When we accept that we can enjoy both the concepts of separation and duality and the amazement of laying down the burden of self in an experience of unity- as in Heschel’s;

ā€œThe world presents itself in two ways to me. The world as a thing I own, the world as a mystery I face. What I own is a trifle, what I face is sublime. I am careful not to waste what I own; I must learn not to miss what I face. We manipulate what is available on the surface of the world; we must also stand in awe before the mystery of the world. We objectify Being but we also are present at Being in wonder, in radical amazement.ā€ A. J Heschel

Peter Ustinov makes the point in a different way; “We are united by our doubts and divided by our convictions.”

Our encounters with the Whole are part of the personal story (history or her-story) that we make up to explain the cosmos. We should all write our ‘personal myth’ at some stage. As an example I will post mine separately.

In the light of the above comments I have added this to the front page of the site;


3 Questions and suggested answers that provide the context for all posts and pages on these sites


Q 1) ā€œWhat is it to be positively & fully human?ā€ = the most important of all questions. My answers are in 2 and 3 below.




Q 2) ā€œWhat is it to function holistically?ā€ My answer =


ā€œTo proceed in all particulars with a sense of the whole.ā€


Two quotations that are key to understanding. Firstly Jungā€™s,


ā€œThe utterances of the heartā€” unlike those of the discriminating intellectā€” always relate to the whole.ā€


Secondly Heschelā€™s;


ā€œConcepts are delicious snacks with which we try to alleviate our amazement.ā€




Q 3) How in one sentence does my PhD answer the question, ā€œHow should we educate to create a paradigm shift in education?ā€


The SunWALK model of spiritualizing (or humanizing) pedagogy sees human education as:


the storied development of meaning, which is

constructed, and de-constructed,

physically, mentally and spiritually, through

Wise & Willing Action, via

Loving and Knowing ā€“ developed in

Community, through the

ā€˜Dialectical Spiritualizationā€™ of

Caring, Creativity & Criticality processes, all undertaken in the light of the

ā€˜Sunā€™ of chosen higher-order values and beliefs, using

best available, appropriate content.


NB Please see these 3 questions, and suggested answers, as the context for all postings and pages on these sites.


The diagram that pulls everything together

Summaries of SunWALK model are HERE




Even a cursory glance at the ideological and physical conflicts of today will indicate the desperate need for understanding that enables a ‘clearing in the forest’ of beliefs – one that will enable harmony in diversity.


On this site I argue that the deepest recognition has to lie in our humanity which we hold in common with all others – I am human, you are human, they are human – we all are human. However since religion exists in many and powerful manifestations the most important of all questions is, “In what ways is there a common light at the centre of of all of the great world religions?” The answer is presented in Perennial Philosophy. Perennial Philosophy is not a particularly good title – something like ‘core mystical reality’ or ‘the great chain of being’ are more accurate, albeit much clumsier titles.

In many ways the appeal to recognize sameness in others, harmony in diversity, is also a call to a kind of federalism. That is to say such a recognition will enable the people of the world to hold an allegiance to the whole as well as to the particular – much as most Americans or Germans hold an allegiance to their national government as well as to their state governments.



1. Spirit exists.
2. Spirit is found within.
3. Most of us don’t realize this Spirit within, however, because we are living in a world of sin,
separation, and duality–that is, we are living in a fallen or illusory state.
4. There is a way out of this fallen state of sin and illusion, there is a Path to our liberation.
5. If we follow this path to its conclusion, the result is a Rebirth or Enlightenment, a direct experience
of Spirit within, a Supreme Liberation, which–
6 marks the end of sin and suffering, and
7 issues in social action of mercy and compassion on behalf of all sentient beings.




If anyone knows what happened to her site please tell me. Her site was a truly great contribution toward religious understanding and its disappearance a great loss. Equally if you managed to copy her site before it was taken down please let me know (onesummit ATgmail.com replace AT with @).

This is the ‘universal’, mystic heart of all of the great wisdom traditions as Deb Platt presented it;

ā€¢ There’s a reality beyond the material world:
ā€¢ Which is uncreated.
ā€¢ It pervades everything,
ā€¢ but remains beyond the reach of human knowledge and understanding.
ā€¢ You approach that reality by:
ā€¢ Distinguishing ego from true self
ā€¢ Understanding the nature of desire
ā€¢ Becoming unattached
ā€¢ Forgetting about preferences
ā€¢ Not working for personal gain
ā€¢ Letting go of thoughts
ā€¢ Redirecting your attention
ā€¢ Being devoted
ā€¢ Being humble
ā€¢ Invoking that reality
ā€¢ Surrendering
ā€¢ That reality approaches you through:
ā€¢ Grace
ā€¢ The teacher
ā€¢ You’re transformed so that you embody that reality by:
ā€¢ Dying and being reborn

Holistic Education doesnā€™t have allegiance to any one religion or philosophy, but Perennial Philosophy is very important for many and is the position of this site. It is motivated by recognition of the essential oneness of the great wisdom traditions

(SEE also Aldous Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy or Chap 2 of Jack Miller’s Educating for Wisdom & Compassion)

Jane’s Short Story; teaching children ‘nowness’ in creative writing and photography


In the unpublished doctoral thesis, from which this piece and Janeā€™s Short Story, is largely taken, the range of concerns include ‘the perpetuation in the present of early experience’. I’m interested to discover that one definition of ‘nowness’ is presentness: the quality of being the present; “a study of the pastness of the present and…of the presentness of the past”.

I wrote Jane’s Short Story to see what a Year 7 class (11 ā€“ 12 year olds in the UK) could ā€˜handleā€™, but it has become a major piece for teaching me, as well as for teaching others.

Janeā€™s short story (line numbers are simply to help in discussion)

1 ā€œCome to mummy Jane. Come on, yes, you can do it.ā€ Steā€¦stepppā€¦stagger step..step got there BIGKISSmmmmsā€™nice. Her motherā€™s nose stroked back and forth across her neck, as giggles of delight and laughter bubbled from Jane.
ā€œJane pay attention otherwise youā€™ll be asking me what the work is in five minutes time.ā€
5 (ā€™Oh no I wonā€™t Mr Moaner, I know perfectly well what youā€™re asking – so stop picking on me!ā€™)
ā€œImages Jane, images.ā€
Tulips. Gigantic red tulips, opened a bit beyond their best, and bigger than any red thing and redder than any red thing and she crawled to grasp, to know the greenness of the green cool green stems and embrace them and lose herself in the redness that was ā€¦ā€¦..
10 ā€œI want you all to pay attention to the structure of your storyā€¦ā€¦..ā€
How could she tell her mother that she never felt safe after he left. Only in his hugs with the smell of him did she ever, could she ever, feel safe. She chewed over this and poured herself another bowl of corn-flakes, sensing school time getting nearer and nearer. Her mother had left without giving the bus fare.
Yet again Janeā€™s leg itched from the nylon thread in the seam of her skirt.
15 She grasped the chair to ease her leg away from the itch, only to put her fingers under her chair and into some freshly placed chewing-gum. ā€œUgh! Boys are so disgusting!ā€
ā€œThank you Jane. Iā€™m not sure what that has to do with careful control of your narrative but I suppose we should be grateful that at least youā€™ve re-visited our world, even though the visit will no doubt be brief. The trouble with you Jane is that you donā€™t use the possibilities and talent you have.ā€
20 Endless possibilities. The muddy brown wet sand, miles and miles of it. She sensed freedoms beyond the edge of her imagination, she would be all creation itself.
ā€œPut your hat on Jane and come here – youā€™re not going in the sun until I put some cream on you.ā€ Jane submitted to the sun-cream and enjoyed it but also remembered the tug of the harness around her shoulders – tug tug, with her running but not going anywhere.
25 ā€œā€¦ā€¦and do try to put some images into your writing – do make it come alive.ā€
The finch, with feathers going in directions they shouldnā€™t, struggled on its side. The broken leg would not need mending because the shock was already killing the tiny creature. Jane hated the cat with an acid and granite hatred.
ā€œYou have ten minutes to finish your story.ā€
30 Jane sat back on her rump and examined her motherā€™s radiant face.
She spat out the tulip petals as her sadness entered her.
She was as rigid as the door he had slammed behind him.
She willed the incoming tide to consume her castle and leave only empty sands.
The finch stopped its fluttering and took on the stillness of death.
35 Jane wrote some lines.
Jane felt the tug tug of the harness and struggled to go somewhere.


Jane is, substantially, but not wholly, me.Ā  It was an attempt to make the feminine side of my soul ‘walk and talk’

In writing the story I reached back down to early memories with which to ā€˜clotheā€™ some of the levels in the streams of consciousness.

In continuing to work with children, or adults, I still sometimes use Janeā€™s Short Story ā€“ as a way to encourage others to create their own stories, made from their own real, and imagined, experience. I discovered how powerful it is if PFC (Philosophy for Children), and creative task-setting, are combined/interwoven ā€“ so much so that I believe that the two, when harnessed, together create something akin to ā€˜exponential developmentā€™ i.e the most powerful form of transformative learning. It is still a joy, and a learning experience, when children make their own creations walk and talk, sing and shout, just as Jane became ā€˜realā€™ to me, some 9 or 10 years earlier. From time to time I revisit the story and change a few words. Once I also gave it to the same class on succeeding years and asked them to see what they could see compared to their ā€˜readingā€™ of the previous year – and to say what differences they felt between the two readings. On the success of this I think that it is worth doing something similar with every class, i.e. for them to re-visit a piece two years running. What they are looking at, with each re-visiting, is, in part, the growth they have had via another yearā€™s experience – a very useful exercise in meta-cognition for the children.

Although it was written when I was in my early fifties I include the story here because it encapsulates some of how autobiography is expressed in even the most creative, or the most abstract, of our work. The story was written in a ā€˜stream of consciousnessā€™ style to see how well my classes could be at deconstructing the text. It was written in my second year of doing PFC. Sometimes I use it just as a text, sometimes the classes go on to write their own episodes from Janeā€™s life.

My experience is that children in Year 7 or 8 take a little time to decode the levels in the ā€˜stream of consciousnessā€™ but then respond most sensitively to the possibilities that exist in and around the story. It seems to work at quite a deep level for some, and very few, except perhaps in initial perplexity, reject the story. It also helps to teach them that story, in its different kinds of truth, can combine re-collected personal experience and meld it with imaginative material. It can be a minor revelation for children who see ‘story is story’ and ‘real life = the truth.

Jane, both as part of my spirit and personal history, and as an independent spirit, has continued to exist, but she has also been transmogrified into the creations of other authors, adults as well as children. It is Jane in the personal myth called Island Shoreline Ocean, presented at the beginning of Chapter 3. My (our) past is re-presented and it is continuously transmogrified, in further re-representations. Each of us re-experiences what we are, as we engage or re-engage, with our beliefs, values, attitudes memories and new experiences. We echo past experiences in each new experience, even when we are seeking to help others in their creativity. Janeā€™s short story lives on in me as a crystallization of the feelings and images deep in my soul, deep, one might say, in my ā€˜presentā€™. It has generated versions from 11 ā€“ 12 year olds, but also from an 84 year old man who, on one of my courses, wrote the first story he had ever written in his life. (He was pleased and amazed; I was deeply moved by his openness and courage!)

TASK/SUGGESTED LESSONS: It would be fascinating to combine the ideas above with photography!

Great photography blog HERE

Knowledge, Knowing and the Unknowable: Head, Heart and the Mystery of Our-selves


Ver 2. as at 4th Aug 2007


This was written as a summary of some of the discussions held during a recent course run with 9 wonderful young women and men. So first and foremost this is for Poppy, Ellie, Jono, Saha, Natalie, Paddy, Jody, Kenny – and Davey.


This is what I feel/think I’ve learned so far;


Because of its lopsidedness and excessive specialization modern science, and thought generally, has got us into a mess. The mess is characterized by our consciousness and life being fragmented, mechanical and excessively materialistic. We need to create a new ‘post post-modernism’ that combines the positives from modernism, post-modernism and pre-modernism.

First of all we have to chose a starting point – because all of life is a circling matrix of connectedness.


I am – therefore I think. (Variation on Descartes’ starting point).

We are/You are – thereby I am. (Variation on a Swahili saying).

I am supported in my existence by all of the relationships in which I am embedded – including my ‘significant others’, and those I chose to lead me, and those with whom I chose to identify – so as to become like them or at least possess some of their qualities.

Our being is much more than our thinking, reason and logic ā€“ we are 51%, or more, feelings.

Unless our capacities for feeling are attenuated, blunted or simply under-developed.

We are known and knowable – but also exist at levels that are beyond the knowable.

That is we are, in the depths of our being, a mystery to our selves – and to each other.

Thinking is one way to engage with other/s, or the self ā€“ and with reality.

Thinking is what we do as part of being ā€“ sometimes it is more, and sometimes less, than the feeling/s we are also generating/experiencing. One or the other is in dominance at any one time.

Thinking and feeling are simply different forms of the single human spirit that flows through each of us ā€“ and apparently around that ‘space’ we call our inner world or interiority.

What would be a sensible name for the single flow of spirit that switches back and forth between ‘heart’ and ‘mind’? I suggest ‘heart-mind’. ‘Heart-mind’ actually has a long history in Chinese thought.

‘Heart-mind’ is preferable to ‘heart’ and ‘mind’ as some sort of separated ‘organs’.

Heart-mind is interiority ā€“ conscious thoughts and feelings, + re-callable memories + that which normally remains in the sub-conscious, such as painful memories.


Thought and feeling however don’t account for the fact that we communicate with each other, at any one time, in one of three voices; ‘I’. ‘WE’ and ‘IT’ .

Sometimes our heart-mind/spirit switches into the I mode of artistic-subjective expression and engagement with reality.

Sometimes it switches into the WE mode of caring and other-focused action.

Sometimes it switches into the IT mode of scientific-objective investigation and engagement with reality.

We switch back and forth with great rapidity ā€“ unless we are in a meditative state or dreamless sleep. The other 2 voices are always ‘running in the background’.


I suggest that the term ‘thinking’ is better thought of as three separate ways in which we engage with reality, with each other – and our selves.

Thinking in the sense of Criticality (inc. philosophy, science maths, Eng. Lit, etc.) is one way for the human spirit to engage with reality. The other two are Caring and Creativity.

Caring focuses on moral truth as caring – action for the sake of others.

Creativity is concerned with subjective truth as a way to engage with reality ā€“ its voice says ā€œThis is how it has been for me, this is how it looks for me ā€“ standing in my ‘skin’.

Criticality focuses on objective truth – in which reasoning and logic are especially important.

Thought and feeling/s are two sides of a single coin ā€“ each transforms into the other moment by moment in the dynamics of the heart-mind. This is evident in simple introspection.

Heart-mind, is however socialized into the 3 I, WE and IT voices.

All 3 have cognitive and affective charges at any one time.

The I WE and IT voices are internalizations/socializations of parental voices, school and community voices.

The cultural ‘repositories’ that correspond to the I,WE and IT voices we call the Arts, Humanities & Sciences.

The moral voice is an internalization of early caring and experience ā€“ with conscience as the internalization of the parental voice.

There may be sensible connections to be made between left and right brain hemispheres and the UIT and I voices.

It seems sensible to connect the I voice and the mystical since both involve unitive experiences.

In dealing with the Critical IT way of engaging with reality we deal in concepts ā€“ but we might agree with Heschel who says ā€œConcepts are delicious snacks with which we try to alleviate our amazement.ā€


Amazement is the state of union, the unitive state which in its elevated forms is the mystical.

The mystical needs to be recognized as a normal, every-day even, part of being human. It needs de-mystifying and de-rarefying. It is not the sole prerogative of the exceptional such as Joan of Arc or of those who unhelpfully hear voices.

The basic experience is embedded in every day language as when we say, ā€œIt took me out of my-self.ā€

In normal, conceptual, busy-busy life we have a strong sense of ego/self/me-me. But sometimes I forget my self – through a unitive experience.

As the gospel song says;

I’m gonna lay down my heavy load

Down by the riverside

Down by the riverside

I’m gonna lay down my heavy load

Down by the riverside

Gonna study war no more.

One reading of the ‘heavy load’ is the small self, the ego, the ego boundary that keeps us in the relative hell of separation and pain and suffering.

Contemplation or perhaps deeper meditation is what takes us to the unitive state.

But I don’t think permanent self-loss is the goal because the dynamic lies in going back and forth between the unitive and the duality that is most of everyday life.

In fact I believe that our knowing comes as a consequence of the dynamic that arises from going back and forth between the unitive and duality


Logic is a good servant but insufficient as an overall master explanation of what we are, or what amounts to truth.

For example logic can be used impeccably to support the view that God exists, and equally for the view that there is no God.

Logical constructions, like journeys, always start somewhere.

That ‘somewhere’ in our intellectual-spiritual journeys, and dialogue with each other, is always a set of assumptions and viewpoints.


The assumptions, like a geographical position, always imply a world-view.

The assumptions are largely untested like the 9/10ths of the ice-berg that is below the surface.

The world-view can include a range of other assumptions including what it is to be human, what constitutes reality, what is good or bad etc.

The new paradigm that is struggling to be born is characterised by wholeness, flow and realizations of the spiritual nature of being human – the opposites of fragmentation, the mechanistic and the excessively materialistic. Above all it centres on realizing to a much deeper and higher forms answers to the most important of all questions; ā€œWhat is it to be (fully and positively) human?ā€


Individually our happiness depends on our integration ā€“ of heart and head, of identity and purpose, of personal development and service to others. One key secret is realizing that mind and body and spirit are all one and the same ā€“ the singleness of the life-force, chi, the human spirit.

Collectively we also need deeper realization of unity ā€“ that unity is based on the existential reality of being human. Like millions of others I learned this from Shakespeare. Scots would add Robbie Burns.

Unity can not in the social political sphere be achieved through philosophy or theology, both of which depend on reason and logic. Why? Well as the ancient saying goes, ‘The longest journey in the world is from the human head to the human heart, but the shortest journey in the world is from the human heart to the human head.’

Unity can only be achieved via a commitment to the existential reality of being human. We are all human. We strive for a better life. We have loved ones and we all suffer grief and loss……………….

Our theology and philosophy are only games (of reason and logic) that we play ā€“ on the ‘foundation’ of incomplete certainty, not-knowing and mystery – and they must take second place to realizing our existential human oneness – and truth and beauty and goodness.- and above all justice as our over-riding interior ‘conditioner’ as well as the chief conditioner in the social and political realms.

Deep unity is realized through our existential sameness. The ‘healthy doubt’ is vital in matters of theology and philosophy. Doubting, just a modicum not a flood, is healthy when it functions as a cousin of tentativeness and humility. Absolute certainty is the condition of the fundamentalist ā€“ and the fascist and terrorist. Unity requires something other than closed minds and cold hearts. The co-existence of humility ā€“ but without a collapse into the hell of relativity, political correctness and effete values now displayed in so many Western countries. But our unity lies in the state of not-knowing, not in hard and water-tight (heart-tight?) convictions;

“We are united by our doubts and divided by our convictions.” Sir Peter Ustinov

Excesses of certitude cut us off from truth and can lead to horrors of cruelty ā€“ the Nazis were certain that Jews, and Gypsies were sub-human.

“Certitude divides and diversity unifiesā€¦..We have to elevate religion above politicsā€¦..”

H.R.H. Prince El-Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan BBC Newsnight 9th Feb 2006

I am because we are. I am ultimately in a state of not knowing. I see through a glass not darkly, but with imperfect vision ā€“ this being an inevitable consequence of being finite.

Speaking personally I can’t live fully up to the truth, beauty, goodness, justice and mystery that I’ve learned (about) so far. This means that I, like us all, need forgiveness; hearts embrace, minds take a stroll together before parting. I/we need for-give-ness as part of the love through which to gain the will to walk on!

Go well.


Dr Roger Prentice

World-views: understanding our own and other peoples’ world-views


World-view – making clear our own world-view

To be developed.

ā€œCertitude divides and diversity unifiesā€¦..We have to elevate religion above politicsā€¦..ā€Ā Ā 

H.R.H. Prince El-Hassan Bin TalalĀ of JordanĀ Ā  BBC Newsnight 9th Feb 2006

ā€œThe world presents itself in two ways to me.Ā  The world as a thing I own, the world as a mystery I face.Ā  What I own is a trifle, what I face is sublime.Ā  I am careful not to waste what I own; I must learn not to miss what I face.Ā  We manipulate what is available on the surface of the world; we must also stand in awe before the mystery of the world.Ā  We objectify Being but we also are present at Being in wonder, in radical amazement.”Ā  A. J Heschel
In this section I intend to do two things.Ā  Firstly I will make clear my own world-view as it now is.Ā  Secondly I will make clear those questions that need to be asked and answered in consciously holding a world-view.

In this process I hope to also identify some of the excesses, and some of the inadequacies that cause so much suffering and grief.

Understanding our own (developing) world view is vital.

It is essential to self-understanding – and to avoiding self-deception.

It includes ourĀ our sense of the whole/Whole – the cosmology, and theology.

It includes what we attribute to the culture in which we have grown upĀ and what we attribute to our essentialĀ  nature – and what is meant by ‘reality’.

Our philosophy – and our behaviour in the world – rests upon, and is shaped by,Ā our world-view.

For the time being the following chart is helpful;

Five Worldviews

A very useful discussionĀ is to be found at SEE http://www.xenos.org/classes/papers/5wldview.htm

They say;

It sometimes seems as if there are more philosophical and religious views than any normal person could ever learn about. Indeed, there are more than six thousand distinct religions in the world today. However, some people are surprised to find that the worldā€™s religions and philosophies tend to break down into a few major categories. These five world-views include all the dominant outlooks in the world today.







Ā Chart is adapted from Christianity: The Faith That Makes Sense by Dennis McCallum (Tyndale).

To Myth or not to Myth, that is the question


Notes on ‘To Myth or not to Myth, that is the question’.

TASK: Explore how the passages below represent experience of the ‘whole and the parts’, mythos and logos, myth and reality etc.

Ken Wilber says;
‘When Spirit is de-mythologized, it can be approached as Spirit, in its Absolute Suchness (tathata), and not as a cosmic Parent. p 214 The Simple Feeling of Being

I take this to be much the same as an appeal to de-anthropomorphise our ‘God-talk’.

Karen Armstrong gives us a compassionate, highly condensed, view of the way that myth has figured in human history and development in her; A Short History of Myth. Compare also;

1) Abraham Joshua Heschel (1971), Man is Not Alone, New York: Octagon Books p.8

ā€˜The search for reason ends at the shore of the known;
on the immense expanse beyond it
only the sense of the ineffable can glide.
It alone knows the route to that
which is remote from experience and understanding.
Neither is amphibious:
reason cannot go beyond the shore,
and the sense of the ineffable
is out of place where we measure, where we weighā€¦ā€¦.

Citizens of two realms, we must all sustain dual allegiance:
we sense the ineffable in one realm;
we name and exploit reality in another.
Between the two we set up a system of references,
but can never fill the gap.
They are as far and as close to each other
As time and calendar, as violin and melody,
as life and what lies beyond the last breath.

The tangible phenomena we scrutinize with our reason,
The sacred and indemonstrable we overhear
with the sense of the ineffable.ā€™

2) Ni, Hua-Ching (1997), The Complete Works of Lao Tzu, Santa Monica, USA: Seven Star Communications – Tao The Ching (ā€˜Chapterā€™ 1)

ā€˜Tao, the subtle reality of the universe
cannot be described.
That which can be described in words
is merely a conception of the mind.
Although names and descriptions have been applied to it,
the subtle reality is beyond the description.

One may use the word ‘Nothingness”
to describe the Origin of the universe,
and “Beingness”
to describe the Mother of the myriad things,
but Nothingness and Beingness are merely conceptions.

From the perspective of Nothingness,
one may perceive the expansion of the universe.
From the perspective of Beingness,
one may distinguish individual things.
Both are for the conceptual convenience of the mind.

Although different concepts can be applied,
Nothingness and Beingness
and other conceptual activity of the mind
all come from, the same indescribable subtle Originalness
The Way is the unfoldment of such subtle reality.
Having reached the subtlety of the universe,
one may see the ultimate subtlety,
the Gate of All Wonders.ā€™


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Heschel quotes – God, Man, Prayer, Life and Death – and video


The following quotes from Abraham Joshua Heschel have been used to start a page on him on WikiQuotes. Many seem to me to give wonderful glimpses of the wisdom and beauty of this great soul:


* “Awe is an intuition for the dignity of all things, a realization that things not only are what they are but also stand, however remotely, for something supreme. Awe is a sense for transcendence, for the reference everywhere to mystery beyond all things. It enables us to perceive in the world intimations of the divine. … to sense the ultimate in the common and the simple: to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal. What we cannot comprehend by analysis, we become aware of in awe.”

* “God is not a hypothesis derived from logical assumptions, but an immediate insight, self-evident as light. He is not something to be sought in the darkness with the light of reason. He is the light.

* “He who is satisfied has never truly craved, and he who craves for the light of God neglects his ease for ardor.”

* “We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers.”


* “Worship is a way of seeing the world in the light of God.”

* “The issue of prayer is not prayer; the issue of prayer is God.”

* “The focus of prayer is not the self…. It is the momentary disregard of our personal concerns, the absence of self-centered thoughts, which constitute the art of prayer…. Thus, in beseeching Him for bread, there is one instant, at least, in which our mind is directed neither to our hunger nor to food, but to His mercy. This instant is prayer. We start with a personal concern and live to feel the utmost.”
* “The deepest passion in any human being is the craving for meaning of human exsistence- God is the meaning beyond”


* “Man is a messenger who forgot the message.”

* “Man’s sin is in his failure to live what he is. Being the master of the earth, man forgets that he is the servant of God.”

* “The road to the sacred leads through the secular.”

* “Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living.”

Life and Death

* “Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.”

* “The greatest problem is not how to continue but how to exalt our existence. The call for a life beyond the grave is presumptuous, if there is no cry for eternal life prior for our descending to the grave. Eternity is not perpetual future but perpetual presence. He has planted in us the seed of eternal life. The world to come is not only a hereafter but also a herenow.”

I just found a fragment of video – HEREĀ –Ā http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6q1puhkUNg


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

SunWALK a model of (holistic) education in a nutshell


SunWALK a model of (holistic) education

The SunWALK model of
spiritualizing (or humanizing) pedagogy sees
human education as: the
storied development of
meaning, which is
constructed, and de-constructed,
physically mentally and spiritually, through
Wise & Willing
Action, via
Loving and
Knowing ā€“ developed in
Community, through the
ā€˜Dialectical Spiritualizationā€™ of
Creativity &
Criticality processes, all undertaken in the light of the
ā€˜Sunā€™ of chosen higher-order values and beliefs, using best available, appropriate

So Sun = the values we internalize through which we read the world and see the path ahead.

WALK = Wise and Willing Action driven by Loving and Knowing.

We do the WALKing in the light of the ‘Sun’.

Working with such a model enables teaching and learning to be a spiritualizing/humanizing process and reduces the tendency for education to be just materialistic, mechanistic and atomistic.


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE


DIAGRAM of the SunWALK model

Diagram of the SunWALK model

Who are you? Who am I? What is human being?


Saw this today – with some quick ideas for a lesson;

“You are the average of the five people
you spend the most time with.”
– Jim Rohn

Are you? Am I?

Do we have an essence? Or are we each an admixture of the roles we play and the relationships in which we are embedded?

Or both?

The best answers I ever found were in Who is Man? by Abraham Joshua Heschel.

The Photo is of Heschel with MLK at Selma – they consider each other to be a ‘prophet’

Is my essence the sum of that with which I identify?

Or is there an essence that is independent of the accidents of personal history ?


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE


In development

rp-teaching-at-wuhan_uni.jpgAdditional Lecture-workshops

Listed here are examples of a range of additional lectures supplementary to the modules in the 30 unit course.

1 Happiness, Self-understanding and Better Relationships

2 Hard Times, Measure for Measure and the spirit of poetry – a literary take on Holistic Education

3 Seeking a Friendly Face: reflections of holism in contemporary UK art

4 Exploring ‘cinematic’ language and experience as metaphor of holistic reality

5 New Circus and Holistic Education

6 An aesthetic view via an appreciation of the photography of Henri Cartier-Bresson

7 Science and Religion: Fundamentalist Science and Alchemical Religion




All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE


Metanexus Institute

tao-metanexus.jpgTao’ by Andrew Ilachinski

I can recommend two offerings from the Metanexus Institute. Firstly they host a range of articles and secondly they are running a ‘competition’ organised by Andrew Ilachinski that draws together philosophy and visual art.


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Contemplative Quakerism

Very intersting site on Quaker/Friends views about contemplative practice:

Contemplative Quakerism

This Web page provides an introduction to the contemplative perspective and an invitation to consider Quaker practice as contemplative practice.

I invite you to join in dialog about these issues by contacting me at jflory@orednet.org. I will add your comments to the responses page.

Mystical Experience in Modern English
Contemplative Practice
Quakerism as Contemplative Practice
Your Responses


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Contemplative Art


Carrie Bergman has added Contemplative Art to the range of contemplative approaches. She starts her short article saying;

Creative expression provokes new ways of seeing, understanding ourselves, and relating to one another. As a silent personal practice, art-making allows you to calm and focus your mind while making images that can serve as sources of inspiration and healing.

You can read the whole of the article at The Centre for Contemplative Mind in Society



All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Juxtaposition: Buddhist sand art and s…

Juxtaposition: Buddhist sand art and street paintings



From time to time juxtapositions come along i.e the placing of two or more views the dynamics of which create a rich text for philosophical inquiry and creative response.

I saw on TV a piece about Buddhist sand art. It was fascinating – a sense of the sacred – its destruction at the end of the celebration, the placing of some of the sand into running water so that the good might be more widely disperse, the giving all who attending the ceremony a small bag of the now mixed sand grains. Very powerful, very moving, very spiritual.

I also came across 3D street art as in these examples here

There are many examples of the Buddhist art. Here is one interesting application.

Suggested task: Explore these two forms of art and see how they inform each other within their cultural contexts. What questions arise? What creative expression opportunities arise? What is the dialogue between the philosophical questions and the creative expressions produced?

Am I right there is no subjectivity in the Buddhist’s monks art and in the 2D/3D street art it is highly (?) subjective? Is the first simply symbolic decoration? Is the latter highly disciplined or self-indulgent? What can we say about the fact that both forms have only a short life span before destruction? Des the pavement art get ‘dispersed’?


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Beyond concepts


Light is light for us all.

Take a minute out of the hustle and hassle.

Let your breath breathe you.

Invite quietness.

Sense the whole to which we all belong.


After this there are only concepts –

“Concepts are delicious snacks with which
we try to alleviate our amazement.”

(A J Heschel)


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE