NEW MEDIA: “Will journalism be done by you or to you?” – pros and cons of Citizen Journalism

What is Citizen Journalism?

“When the people formerly known as the audience employ the press tools they have in their possession to inform one another, that’s citizen journalism.”

Definition by the shy and self-efacing Jay Rosen, Professor of Journalism at NYU – on YouTube video and on his site – SEE sources below.

Why  is CJ important?

Because it is part of the daily rise of new media which is both providing non-journalists with journalistic capability and helping reduce the viability of older media – such as newspapers.

Because potentially it can support the democratic process, as well as be a means of education and friendship.

What are the most important pros and cons of citizen journalism?

Other Pros

Deeper and wider representation.

Undermines exploitative static forms


Loss of important authority, as well as false or exploitative authority.  Will broken trust mean everyone floats in a sea of relativity with no effective moral compass?

Wide distribution of mis-information or poor quality stuff.


Professor Jay Rosen’s site at NYU –

See also – WikiPedia


NB This is such an important subject that I will create a static page under ‘New Media’ for frequent updating. I will re-post major updates/developments.