The Goose Whisperer: much more than just easing the consciences of foie gras eaters.

At one end of the foods and ethics spectrum of arguments there is the argument about GM foods – can it ever be cleared, in most people’s minds, to provide all the food necessary for a hungrily growing world?   At the other end of the spectrum is the issue of how can those who like foie gras find a non-cruel way to produce it – this video is about the latter.

At the Taste3 conference, chef Dan Barber tells the story of a small farm in Spain that has found a humane way to produce foie gras. Raising his geese in a natural environment, farmer Eduardo Sousa embodies the kind of food production Barber believes in.

Dan Barber is elegant, eloquent and provides a presentation almost as rich as foie gras itself.  It is worthy of being the text for a PI (Philosophical Inquiry lesson).  Its 20min long but it repays a full listen

One source of information about the traditional methods for producing foie gras is HERE