The web is only 5,000 days old – Kevin Kelly on predicting the next 5,000 days

The Web is only 5,000 days old.  Kevin Kelly’s reading of the next 5,000 days he summarizes as;

There is only One machine.
The web is its OS.
All screens look into the One.
No bits will live outside the web.
To share is to gain.
Let the One read it.
The One is us.
Kevin Kelly

Curiously mystical?  I wonder what the connection here is with Eckhart Tolle?

Kelly of course discussing the web in terms of it becoming our ‘global brain’, but doesn’t mention that this phenomenon was coined by Peter Russell in 1984 – now that was a truly inspired prediction!

A new view of Intelligence

A friend pointed me to this very interesting article – full version HERE.

Shattering Intelligence: Implications for Education and Interventions

by James R. Flynn
Lead Essay
November 5th, 2007

The concept of a general intelligence or g factor has proved enormously fruitful in two respects. On the level of individual differences, it captures the fact that if one person outperforms another on one kind of conceptually demanding task, that advantage is likely to persist over a whole range of other cognitive tasks. On the level of group differences, we find that the average Full Scale IQ of two groups on a good IQ test often predicts things like their occupational profiles. Various occupations have minimum IQ thresholds. If 50 percent of group A scores above say an IQ of 100, while only 16 percent of Group B do, then Group A will have a three to one ratio in its favor in terms of the proportion of its members who are professionals or technicians or managers.


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE