SEXUAL PLEASURES – Enhancement of Sex Life in Finland 1971-1992

I felt I must draw attention to this astonishing piece of work.

One of many interesting themes is the relationship of

improvements in women-men equality to sexuality.


Enhancement of Sex Life in Finland,



by Osmo Kontula and Elina Haavio-Mannila

Publication with The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

© Osmo Kontula and Elina Haavio-Mannila 1994


This book-length document is part of the

Archive for Sexology

Click HERE to go to the report

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All postings to this site relate to the central model in the

PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

The sexuality of Holistic Education?

What might the sexuality (or sexual philosophy) of Holistic Education be like? Here are some initial thoughts:

I assume that a sexuality of Holistic Education would be a consequence of a general philosophy of Holistic Education.

I assume that Holistic Education is closest to Perennial Philosophy and Universalism.

My SunWALK model is based on the idea of the flow of the life-force -from conception until death (at least) the life-force flows through us. That life-force manifests it self as thought and feelings. That life-force manifests it self as need and desire for food and sleep and pleasure. It flows, gathers force, is checked, is channelized, transmuted, sublimated etc.

Given that Holistic Education is not culturally confined I assume such a sexual philosophy of Hol Ed would be ‘transcendent of narrower belief systems’

I assume that anyone embarking on work in this field would need to identify one or more key starting points – such a starting point might be the view that we are spiritual beings having a temporary physical journey in this world

What are relevant theories and insights – e.g. into the ‘dark side of human nature’?

What are relevant texts in literature – e.g. Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure?

Has anyone done a comparative study of religious attitudes? (Relevant to the idea of the sexual philosophy as a sub-domain within Holistic Education)

Why has there been such a failure to teach healthy & holistic sexuality in the West? (Courses so often seem to be ‘crude mechanics + dire warnings’)

Sexuality is rooted in the sensuality of babyhood which is a time of wholeness that gives way to kinds of separation.

The spiritual journey in part is about the balance between experiences of wholeness and experiences of separteness and parts – how can this contribute to a philosophy of sexuality?

Which sexual development models are most human and most useful?

How do we get the minimum of damage in individuals whilst encouraging good behaviour as opposed to licentiousness?

Is there any greater harm than positing the sensual as being at war with the spiritual?

How do we usefully distinguish between and integrate the sensual and the sexual in a developmental model?

How do we usefully distinguish between the erotic and the pornographic?

Fear features strongly in sexual matters – fear of loss of control, fear of group sanction, fear of harm given or taken.

What, if any, are the non-religious arguments to support the religious view of one long-term partner

Is some form of fear highly desirable given the current levels of child-abuse etc – given, as recently reported, the willingness of men to turn up to houses in the belief that they will get to have sex with an under-age child to find that (in the USA) they are part of an ‘entertainment’ documentary!

Caring, good manners, refinement of taste are taught badly, if at all, in our society

What motivates self-understanding, self-control and the ability to ‘toe the line’?

Do major sources of inspiration have particular insights for contemporary needs

Given such sicknessess as child prostitution, slavery, the abuse of women and hardcore pornography is concern for this field an indulgent luxury until those evils are dealt with?

How much damage have some forms of Christianity done?

As with so many other areas of research why don’t we have a great deal more research in, and publicity about, the positive successful families?

Which religion has the best record in terms of teaching healthy sexuality?

What is the relationship between fundamentalism and destructive sexual attitudes?

Ideally which traditional virtues should still prevail in the modern world – and how should they be taught in families and in schools?

Who has done relevant good work so far? One place to start would be the work of Professor Alan Soble of the Department of Philosophy at the University of New Orleans


and as a starting place for Sexology


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE