Testicularities: how satisfactory are these answers to the question, “Why does your left testicle hang lower?”

Jena Pincott’s elegant blog asks this question to which her speculative answers, and those of her readers, range widely.


greecesculpturehermes-infant-dionysusWhile 65 percent of women have a left breast that is larger than the right, the same percentage of men have a left testis that hangs lower in the scrotum than the right. The left testicle also tends to be 7-10 percent smaller.


It’s a question that won an IgNobel prize for Chris McManus. Although scrotal asymmetry is faithfully reproduced in Greek sculpture, the British psychologist observed, the Greeks weren’t exactly anatomically correct. Greek sculptors faithfully made the left ball lower, but they mistakenly made it larger. Absurdly, they thought the testicles acted like weights to keep open the ducts when semen was released. The left one was erroneously believed to be heavier.

Hundreds of years have passed and we still don’t exactly why the testes aren’t side-by-side and symmetrical, but there are a few theories that touch on the mystery:

Go HERE to read Jena’s article and see the answers provided.  Great articles and podcasts as well as her books!

SEXUAL PLEASURES – Enhancement of Sex Life in Finland 1971-1992

I felt I must draw attention to this astonishing piece of work.

One of many interesting themes is the relationship of

improvements in women-men equality to sexuality.


Enhancement of Sex Life in Finland,



by Osmo Kontula and Elina Haavio-Mannila

Publication with The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

© Osmo Kontula and Elina Haavio-Mannila 1994


This book-length document is part of the

Archive for Sexology

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PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

Parenting: circumcision or not?

I have long thought male circumcision to be only marginally less barbaric than female circumcision this site should answer most questions:

Circumcision Information and Resource Pages

ParenthoodWeb Select Parenting Site HealthyWay© Best of the Web Luckman 4 Star Award
Links2go Key ResourceBioMed LinkNetGuide Gold Site LookSmart editor's choice
Listed in the British Medical JournalThe Circumcision Information and Resource Pages are an Internet
resource that provide you with information about all aspects of
the genital surgery known as circumcision.

CIRP is essentially divided into two parts:

The Circumcision Reference Library contains technical material,
medical and historical articles, and statistics.

The Circumcision Information Pages contain a morereadable collection of information, suitable for parents and educators.

This site has links to information on the rights of the child,
religious issues, and related issues.


Click HERE to go to the site


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the

PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success