Wilber video: The Spirituality of Tomorrow

On YouTube there are a number of videos showing Ken Wilber in dialogue and answering questions

The posters of this video say;

The Catholic theologian Karl Rahner famously said “the Christian of tomorrow will be a mystic, or not a Christian at all.” Few people have impacted Christianity in this regard as has Fr. Thomas Keating. A Cistercian monk from St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado, Fr. Thomas has spent a lifetime in deep Christian practice, and in sharing the fruits of this contemplation with countless others. We were enormously blessed to host a dialogue with Fr. Thomas and Ken Wilber in April of 2006. In today’s featured video, Ken presents some of the foundational concepts of Integral spirituality.


All postings to this site relate to the central SunWALK model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE

Prof. Stephen Hepple´s lecture ´Learning 2016´ – dangerous, unstructured, stuff?

Today I was much stimulated by viewing Prof. Stephen Hepple´s RSA lecture Learning 2016. It was a breathy entreaty for us all to embrace the future that new technology is demanding. But the worry is not just ´will we ride the wave at the right time with the right style´. More serious is all the stuff he left out – these were to do with the ´why´s and the ín relation to what(s)´of education.

Without summarizing the lecture I will pose a question that seemed to lie behind one of Hepple´s throwaway lines. He had argued for children (and parents and communities) to be co-operating partners in creating education via new technology – and lots of other ápple-pie´goodies – for all of which I was inwardly cheering, sincerely so. Everything is to be individual learning paths. Singing together, by which he meant school assemblies, was clearly one if not two millenia out of date – to be replaced by a pupil-made video trsnsmissions of what the Head wanted to say to the school, plus the netball results. It was to save wasting time – the kind of waste represented by school assemblies. Presumably it didn´t matter if the most chose to not watch the piece of video c.f a ´live performance.

The throwaway line was something about ´we must marshall our resources´. I sensed he was resisting a weak impulse to consider things like the vision of what kind of future might represent a high quality life and what kind of moral and philosophical implications there might be. It all lacked the one thing that really matters – the answer to, ´How do we have a structure, a skeleton, to enable us to make decisions in all of this free-flowing fleshy stuff?

In the SunWALK model I have of course argued that it is only by structuring education, and managing change in society and education, on a model of what it is to be fully and most positively human that we can create a future worth living in. SEE HERE

You can view the lecture-programme on Teachers TV HERE

Interesting article from the TES Times Education Supplement is HERE


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the

PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success