The ‘Whole’ to which the parts, i.e. all of this site’s postings, are related.

    This is a short description of the ‘whole’ to which all postings to the site are more or less related. This is my context for the reading of all of my postings. Readers of course each bring have their own contexts via their personal histories and world-views!


3 Questions & suggested answers that provide the context for all posts & pages on these sites


Q 1) “What is it to be positively & fully human?” = the most important of all questions. My answers are in 2 and 3 below.


Q 2) “What is it to function holistically?” Ultimately my answer = we have learned

“To proceed in all particulars with a sense of the whole.”

But in steps along the path of development it is

“ consciously connecting ever-widening contexts, and realizing encounters with the whole.”

Two quotations that are key to understanding. Firstly Jung’s,

“The utterances of the heart— unlike those of the discriminating intellect— always relate to the whole.”

Secondly Heschel’s;

“Concepts are delicious snacks with which we try to alleviate our amazement.”


Q 3) How in one sentence does my PhD answer the question, “How should we educate to create a paradigm shift in education?”


The SunWALK model of spiritualizing (or humanizing) pedagogy sees human education as:

the storied development of meaning, which is

constructed, and de-constructed,

physically, mentally and spiritually, through

Wise & Willing Action, via

Loving and Knowing – developed in

Community, through the

‘Dialectical Spiritualization’ of

Caring, Creativity & Criticality processes, all undertaken in the light of the

‘Sun’ of chosen higher-order values and beliefs, using

best available, appropriate content.

NB Please see these 3 questions, and suggested answers, as the context for all postings and pages on these sites.
sunwalk-logo.jpg    Click on thumbnail – the diagram that pulls everything together.

Summaries of SunWALK model are HERE

