TV coverage of the inauguration of Barack Obama


Did more prayers and hopes ever gravitate more to a single man?
Did prayers and hopes ever gravitate more to a single man?



Barack Obama – Yahoo have put to gether all of the available TV coverage of the inauguration – 


but don’t forget The BBC, ITV, Sky and Channel4!

A motto for the UK


In reflecting on whether the UK should have a motto to express the national spirit – just as France has Liberté, égalité, fraternité – a wit wrote to the Times and suggested: DIPSO, FATSO, BINGO, ASBO, TESCO. Having a motto was a suggestion from Prime Minister Gordon Brown.


For American cousins, cross-cultural analysts and other UK observers a background article and other witticisms can be found at the TIMESonline HERE


All postings to this site relate to the central SunWALK model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE


A video-lecture by Bill Viola – via the Tate Modern

Tate Modern video presentations are HERE

Go HERE to see a video-lecture by Bill Viola.


Bill Viola has been making video tapes, architectural installations, sound environments, electronic music performances and works for television for over 30 years. His video installations such as Nantes Triptych 1992 and Five Angels for the Millennium 2001, which are both in the Tate Collection, are total environments that envelop the viewer in image and sound.

On the eve of a major new exhibition, LOVE/DEATH: The Tristan Project, at Haunch of Venison in London, Viola talks about his career and recent work.

In collaboration with Haunch of Venison

All works of art though visible represent invisible things,” (by or about Bill Viola)


NB All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE


The Dictionary of the History of Ideas and Meanness and Genorosity in Academia


In discovering, and wanting to pass on to others, The Dictionary of the History of Ideas I was set to thinking about an old ‘beef’ of my mine. It concerns the impression I have gained that UK academics are so much meaner in sharing work on the ‘net’ with the wider community than are Americans. If my impression is correct why is this the case?

Is it that Americans are intrinsically generous or is that their universities are better endowed or the government more generous?

There must be many students and ‘independents’ like me for whom the US of A’s ‘freedom of, or at least sharing, of information’ gives rise to a resounding ‘God bless America’.

I know there are issues of theft of intellectual property, student cheating and fraud etc, but couldn’t the ‘co-operative spirit’ that animates open-source free software production also inspire a greater degree of generosity in Academe as well?

The ‘front page’ for the Dictionary of the History of Ideas is HERE

Of particular interest to those interested in holism, Holistic Education etc. is the section HUMANITY


NB All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE

Free Schools India – work worthy of your support?

You might feel that this work is worthy of some support, we do;

Free Schools India is a small organisation made up of people dedicated to sustainable development, and to the ideal that all children should receive a free, quality, education. We are a collection of people from several fields who have come together to start a school for the children of the rural poor in several villages. From this idea our vision for this project has grown into something bigger, and we have already moved into the provision of health care also. Our plans do not stop here though. We would one day like to be able to provide full medical insurance for the families of our children and the wider community, and maybe one day start some micro industry.

The Inspiration

While working for an anti-child labour non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Delhi , Joanna Härmä and Gaurav Siddhu had the opportunity to speak with children in the city and in villages about their experiences with school. They found in one village that several girls could have attended school, if only it had been completely free of cost. Their families were not at all reliant on the income these children received from stitching footballs all day, but the costs associated with schooling were prohibitive for them, and yet they amounted to only US$15 per annum.

Go HERE to read more about Free Schools India

Go HERE to read BBC report on Free Schools India



All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

Ugly women rejoice – Salem witches might be forgiven! – great history site for helping teach Arthur Miller’s The Crucible


If you are at all fascinated by our forefathers’ ignorance and cruelty or are about to teach lessons on Arthur Miller’s The Crucible – or more recent American history – check out Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewski’s astonishing sites.

Below are a few snippets that might want to make you visit. The two that leap out for me are;

1 Canon law stated that after the death of a witch, that the accuser and judge might divide his/her property between them.

2 Witchcraft in Massachusetts singled out:

* spinsters [unmarried beyond the usual age of marriage]
* barren women
* the ugly
* the extremely successful
* the independent
* the reclusive
* the litigious [prone to lawsuits]
* the willful.

So would that include ‘fat cats’, lawyers and talentless air-head celebrities (just joking! RP)

Some more extracts

Puritans landed in Massachusetts in December in 1620, during the reign of James I of England, while they were trying to reach the Virginia Colony. A storm at sea directed them north.

Since many people could not afford the price of passage to the American colonies, they indentured themselves to the ship’s captain or another colonist. It usually took five to seven years to pay the money used for passage to the New World. After this time was up, their masters were required to provide their indentured servants with farm tools, seed to grow their own crops, and other essentials they needed to make it on their own.

By 1630 the population of Massachusetts was around 2,000 people. It was then that Governor John Winthrop would begin his first term of office. The Massachusetts Bay Colony would not have a royal standing until May 12, 1686. Most women had as many as twenty-five (25) pregnancies in their life. Families generally consisted of twenty-five people including grandparents, parents, children and their wives. The average life expectancy was forty-five years of age. There were many that lived into their nineties, while children were at the greatest risk during the first years of their lives. Pregnant women were at high risk of dying in childbirth. Most women had to work before and after the birth of their children because the early colonial times were hard and everyone had to work long and difficult hours to survive.

Dying was a regular part of life. Mortality rates were as high as 75% in the early years. Most Puritans were Calvinists. Presbyterians were the model for English Calvinists.

The Witches of Salem were hanged. This was less painful than the burning of witches in Europe. They thought the burning of a witch was the only way to release the evil, since the Devil would be forced to exit the melting body through the smoke.

Witchcraft in Massachusetts singled out:

* spinsters [unmarried beyond the usual age of marriage]
* barren women
* the ugly
* the extremely successful
* the independent
* the reclusive
* the litigious [prone to lawsuits]
* the willful.

In New England, no one that confessed was put to death. Those who denied the accusations and fought to clear their names were hanged. The first victim of witchcraft, in New England, was Margaret Jones of Charlestown, Massashusetts. Margaret was hanged, in 1648, for giving herbal cures. Margaret was a physician and some thought she had the “malignant touch” after some of her patients started vomiting or suffered violent seizures. Prison guards testified that they saw a small child run out of the witch’s cell into another room, and then vanished. This was enough to prove that she was under the influence of evil. Anne Hibbons, the sister of the Deputy Governor Bellingham of Massachusetts was hanged, in the words of John Norton for “having more wit that her neighbors” (Buckland, 402-411). Anne’s husband died in 1654. He was a Boston merchant, a Colonial Agent, and an assistant Agent. She was “quarrelsome,” and had “supernatural” knowledge. She was accused in 1655, and was executed in 1656.


The year 2002 marked the 310th anniversary of the witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts. In October of 2004, Stanley Usovicz, mayor of Salem, MA. said that he is considering pardoning those persecuted during the seaport town’s infamous 17th century witch trials” (Judith Kane, 19). He said the the 315th anniversary, in 2007, would be a good time to put pardons into effect.

Eighty-one Scottish witches were pardoned, in 2004, in Prestonpans. Most witches were convicted on the basis of spectral evidence [ghosts, apparitions, and other objects of dread) or evil spirits or voices were heard. The Prestonpans, a seaside resort in Scotland, east of Edinburgh, pardoned all “witches” were convicted, including the cats that were burned along with their owners.

SEE on page

Canon law stated that after the death of a witch, that the accuser and judge might divide his/her property between them.

Europe had witchcraft trials for 150 years and the death toll ran into the millions:

Malleus Meleficarum [The Hammer of Witches) was written in 1486 by two German Dominican Inquisitors named Jakob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer. Sprender and Kramer concocted strategies for the use of torture and lies. They planned to torture and then offer freedom to those that would help in the discovery and conviction of other witches. They searched for a “Witches’ Mark” on the body of their suspects. A birthmark, wart, or mole might be seen as a “Witches’ Mark.” After the first witch betrayed other “witches,” they were killed. The thought being that they cunningly turned on thier own kind, simply to save themselves, thus were wicked and deceptive.


SEE also

These sites are just a fragment of the astonishing array created by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewski and her husband.

Open Democracy and Centenary of Magna Carta


openDemocracy – our kingdom (a conversation on the future of the United Kingdom) reported that to mark the anniversary of King John signing the Magna Carta on 15 June 1215, Shirley Williams gave the Magna Carta Lecture.

You can find a WORD document version at the top of the page HERE

See also its link to America HERE


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE