Is this man the greatest activist for peace in our time? Can he help you act in the cause of peace?

If you are committed to helping peace come about please convey this alternative stance and policy to your politicians.

It is developed by a man brave enough to go, with his son, and spend 10 days inside ISIL the Islamic State. Every government should appoint him as their number one advisor.

His advice includes;
‘first know your enemy’, (Western leaders are making foolish mistakes out of ignorance),
we must win the ideology war especially by showing young muslims that ISIL is deeply anti-islamic and in complete contradiction to the Koran,
Muslims have to sort out the mess not outsiders,
Western aggression only adds fuel to the fire.

The link below is for those in the UK – if you are elsewhere look on YouTube or Google Jürgen Todenhöfer.


A brief bio is HERE –

Is this the ultimate coal face of ‘interfaith as inter-spiritual living’?