Namaste – is CharityFocus a miracle at eliminating 99.99% of religious cant, hypocrisy & frippery?

This organization appears to have taken the cooperative spirit and charitable giving a step further than that which drives the other ‘great co-op of the age’ – the open source movement.

They might also have done the virtually impossible – created a community that is inclusive, transcendent, free of ego maniacs that float to the top, that maintains the centrality of religions mystical core whilst eliminating 99.99% of religious cant, hypocrisy & frippery AND does millions of pounds worth of good in the world.  My Uncle Fred says it can’t last – he says its like mobile phones they’ll never catch on!

Here are some quotes from their website;

Eleven years ago, three people decided to sit in silence for an hour, in an everyday Silicon Valley living room. No teachers or gurus. No set agendas or proposed beliefs either. Just silence for an hour every week with one strong principle — when you change within, the world changes.

And instead of closing the door, they left it open … open to all. The rest, as they say, is history.

You’re Invited!

Simply put, Wednesday evenings are about sharing. In the spirit of an ashram, we offer the space for everyone to walk their own walk. A random group of 20-40 folks convenes once a week; we meditate for an hour and follow it up with a roundtable sharing of “aha” moments from everyday life, based on the wide-ranging thought of the week.

While each journey takes different routes, the paths have many similarities. Along that road, sometimes, it is useful to have a place to share … our conviction, compassion, presence or even something undescribable. We grow and learn by listening both to ourselves and the people around us. By looking within — and without.

And you’re invited to join us this Wednesday! There is no charge, we don’t solicit donations, and you don’t have to bring anything. Simply RSVP and you’ll be emailed the directions.

Thank you!

Over the years, thousands of folks have come; some offered much, some received much, but all were present with the same heart. We don’t really understand how this spontaneous convergence of goodness happens every Wednesday, but as hosts, we feel fortunate to have such an opportunity to be of service, and to be home for such sincere and powerful inspiration.

These meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. For many of us they have been and continue to be a constant source of inspiration, insight- and joy.

‘Helping others help others.’ Who said miracles don’t happen any more?

“Namaste” : I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides, I honor

the place in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace. I honor the place within you where

if you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.

Yup – that’ll do for me!