Reflection on Muybridge’s animated horse

1st draft

.Muybridge_race_horse_animated - WikiPedia‘Animated’ racehorse by photographer Eadweard Muybridge – works in Internet Explorer and FireFox but not Chrome – source WikiPedia



As  a piece of science this work settled a dispute, argued over for a long time: horses’ hooves are all off the ground in galloping.

As a piece of (scientific) photography it is pivotal.

It is mesmerising cinema – the still pictures combine to show how beautiful was this particular horse – its legs and musculature are exquisite in motion.

When we become poetic or mystical it teaches us about such essentials as;

appearance and reality

moments gone and moments captured



the limits of the human eye and brain

knowing and knowledge, the unknown, the knowable and unknowable

There remains the mystery of the jockey to deconstruct!

This set of evolving reflections relates to the introductory essay to this site HERE