THE BENEFITS OF STORY-ING our experience – both children and adults

“Let me tell you a story…………………………”

To story = ‘to make a story of’.

Storying = the looking at,  one, several or all aspects of your life as a story.  Storying acts among other things as a ‘glue’ that makes of the parts a whole.  This is both a matter of creation and re-creation.  Stories as films, radio plays, novels, films re-create us.

This storying and re-storying seems to be natural to us as human beings.  “What was your day like dear?” elicits a story, at least a bare narrative.

In Personal & Professional Development the issue is this, ‘How can we use, in Personal & Professional Development, storying, and re-storying, to enable the learner/client to get from where they’re at to where they want to be?’

In teaching & parenting & home-schooling my SunWALK model when applied to education suggests that storying is one, or perhaps, the way to create holistic connections between subjects, between people etc.

The curriculum can be seen as a nesting of stories: each child’s story, their family story, the class story, the school story, the community story etc.

This great-looking series of books for children – click HERE lend themselves to the idea of creating story contexts for all subjects and sets of relationships,  including one that seems to work directly with this idea.  The challenge is how to keep storying going on up through the whole of education.