Brain Gym video as antidote to lots of sitting

I tried this as a relief from sitting long hours in front of the computer screen – it did it for me!

I’ve resolved that this or 30 standing squats per hour is a must

Dr Mercola has reported

  • Recent research estimates that if you cut back on the amount of time spent sitting down to less than three hours a day, it could add two years to the your life expectancy
  • Another recent study concluded that each hour spent watching television after the age of 25 reduces your life expectancy by nearly 22 minutes
  • Reducing the time you spend watching TV to less than two hours a day could increase your life expectancy by 1.4 years
  • An analysis of 18 studies found that people who sat for the longest periods of time were twice as likely to have diabetes or heart disease, compared to those who sat the least

The Whole and the Parts – a personal view updated

I updated the short version of the ‘Whole’ to which all of my posts relate. Please share your own version.

The Whole and the Parts

SunWALK model of being human & the expression of the human spirit
SunWALK model of being human & the expression of the human spirit

We all go through each day doing particular things but what’s our view of ‘the Whole’ to which all the parts relate? From these two, our sense of the Whole and our myriad thoughts, feelings & action comes the meaning and purpose of our lives.

The Whole for me I see this way;

Humanization is everything. De-humanization is hell. We are human in our caring our creativity & our criticality – acting individually and in community. Through these 4 ways we experience, grow and heal, through them we come to know who we are, our identity, and what it is that we all called to do, our purpose.

However, even when being scientific the ultimate context in which we operate is always mystery. Consequently we are also more or less human in how we relate to mystery and to how others relate to mystery.

From such a model of being human we can create personal, professional & community systems for holistic learning & healing.

Q. What is it to be professionally or personally holistic? My answer: It is to develop that consciousness that enables us to proceed, in all particular acts, with a sacred sense of the Whole, and vice versa. ā€“ just as the Zen saying says; ā€œBefore enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry waterā€. Q. What’s this universalist approach called? Ans: Perennial Philosophy ā€“ the identical core you can find in all of the great wisdom traditions.

Q. What is your ‘Whole’ or world-view to which the particular actions of your life relate?