How are journalism and the new media affecting each other?

Concerning new media and journalism I’m still not clear on the issues.  Most students who get to study journalism at university level will probably be familiar with the new media – or it will be part of their course.

Two pointers from the UK. professional and citizen bloggers have moved into over lapping territory – 1) check out Michael White at the Guardian.

From the other end of the scale consider NightJack which is an anoymous blog written by a serving police officer the quality of whose writing has won him the prestigious Orwell prize.

The rate of innovation is so rapid of course that it does take time to keep up – but it may not be a good idea to try to keep everyone in a community on the crest of the wave – because new media needs time to shake down.

There are at least as many epistemological and psychological issues as there are specifically new technology issues in the interface.

Some are very fundamental and of enormous consequences. For example are we being moved away from the linear, sequential and narrative mode of reading and re-presenting the world?

But blogging is linear, sequential and narrative.

What counts as knowledge – in the new interface?