UK REFORM: Who will waken England’s masses deadened by decades of Labour-Tory tribalism? Helena Kennedy nails a vital issue.

UK REFORM: Who will waken England’s masses deadened by decades of Labour-Tory tribalism? Helena Kennedy nails a vital issue.

Helena Kennedy nails vital issue re political reform in the Guardian online 3.6.09

Kennedy says the people must have a direct say in our sorely needed political reform. She argues that we should not settle for reform ’emanating from the very establishment that has dissed the system’

She also points to a problem that has kept Labour and the Tories away from political reform, especially PR, ‘that the people who are in a position to deliver reform have the most to lose if it is introduced.’ And, so I would say, kept them continually pumping out dubious and dishonest arguments about Fair voting – SEE 10 Myths about Fair Voting (Proportional Representation) and Cameron’s deceitful article. which tells us that, among other dire things, PR will allow in the BNP! For an article that shows that it is PR that will keep out the BNP see HERE

This she says is why there has to be a citizens’ convention, independent of government, which is free to set its own agenda.

If the electorate in Scotland took matters into their own hands by holding a constitutional convention so ought we, she argues. OK will someone tell me how? How to do so that gets a cross-section involved, and not just the constitutional anoraks?

The anger that brought a Labour melt-down must be transformed into the desire and energy for constitutional reform – with STV or at the very least AV plus as the hub of the wheel.

Scotland had the prize of its own parliament to energize itself into a full consultation – what will do it in England with a populous deadened by Labour-Tory tribalism?

SEE also Neal Lawson’s article HERE
