MPs expenses trough – how deep is David Cameron’s snout?



Demand Fair Voting in the UK – What can you do? – see Make My Vote Count

Is the feeding frenzy around MPs expenses similar to the Jonathan Ross-BBC debacle?

The one thing the BBC didn’t ever seem to understand was that the volume and intensity in the complaints about Ross was about the BBC’s attitude and relationship to its customers.  The people running the BBC are ensuring its slow demise.

You can see exactly the same thing in the current beating of MPs – no one cares that much about expenses per se.  If you said well give them £30,000 on top of salary – or simply the use of a flat and a secretaryit would not take the damaging heat out of the furore.  Why?  Because it is fired by years of hatred for  incompetence, lying and sheer contempt of the electorate to whom they are supposed to answer.  I would go at least as far back as Thatcher and would certainly include Blair’s lying and illegal war and Brown’s complicity in bankrupting the country.

Surely people don’t really think that a bunch of wealthy Etonians are going to be any better.  Are we to have another 3 terms like the Thatcher-Major dark age to be followed by some form of New-New Labour?  

The Lib-Lab-Con version of politics needs replacing.

What do we need in a new system?  My first three would be;

Proportional Representation

The right for MPs to vote freely.

Greater openness and accountability