Brain Gym video as antidote to lots of sitting

I tried this as a relief from sitting long hours in front of the computer screen – it did it for me!

I’ve resolved that this or 30 standing squats per hour is a must

Dr Mercola has reported

  • Recent research estimates that if you cut back on the amount of time spent sitting down to less than three hours a day, it could add two years to the your life expectancy
  • Another recent study concluded that each hour spent watching television after the age of 25 reduces your life expectancy by nearly 22 minutes
  • Reducing the time you spend watching TV to less than two hours a day could increase your life expectancy by 1.4 years
  • An analysis of 18 studies found that people who sat for the longest periods of time were twice as likely to have diabetes or heart disease, compared to those who sat the least

War On Health: |s this irrefutable evidence as to why we have so few cures for killer diseases?

This new film from award-winning documentary-maker Gary Null delivers irrefutable evidence as to why we have so few cures for killer diseases … and how pharmaceutical companies slaughter tens of thousands of Americans each year with impunity with deadly FDA-approved drugs.

See for yourself why clinical medical practice is advancing at a snail’s pace, while the federal government goes to extraordinary lengths to stamp out those who seek natural and more innovative approaches to disease prevention and treatment.

The war against our health has penetrated government, academia, and the media to such a degree that no sound-bite explanation will expose the magnitude of the problem we face. But this film does!

So do yourself a huge favor. View War on Health* here and now… because you need to know. Then Share it with your friends … because they do, too!

*Funded in part by an educational grant from the Life Extension FoundationĀ®.

For more information, please visit…