UK REFORM: Who will waken England’s masses deadened by decades of Labour-Tory tribalism? Helena Kennedy nails a vital issue.

UK REFORM: Who will waken England’s masses deadened by decades of Labour-Tory tribalism? Helena Kennedy nails a vital issue.

Helena Kennedy nails vital issue re political reform in the Guardian online 3.6.09

Kennedy says the people must have a direct say in our sorely needed political reform. She argues that we should not settle for reform ’emanating from the very establishment that has dissed the system’

She also points to a problem that has kept Labour and the Tories away from political reform, especially PR, ‘that the people who are in a position to deliver reform have the most to lose if it is introduced.’ And, so I would say, kept them continually pumping out dubious and dishonest arguments about Fair voting – SEE 10 Myths about Fair Voting (Proportional Representation) and Cameron’s deceitful article. which tells us that, among other dire things, PR will allow in the BNP! For an article that shows that it is PR that will keep out the BNP see HERE

This she says is why there has to be a citizens’ convention, independent of government, which is free to set its own agenda.

If the electorate in Scotland took matters into their own hands by holding a constitutional convention so ought we, she argues. OK will someone tell me how? How to do so that gets a cross-section involved, and not just the constitutional anoraks?

The anger that brought a Labour melt-down must be transformed into the desire and energy for constitutional reform – with STV or at the very least AV plus as the hub of the wheel.

Scotland had the prize of its own parliament to energize itself into a full consultation – what will do it in England with a populous deadened by Labour-Tory tribalism?

SEE also Neal Lawson’s article HERE


Cameron and Brown on same train – yeah ‘its the stop the country getting Fair Voting (proportional representation) choo choo!’

Gordon Brown boards the same train as David Cameron at Paddington station in London on April 25 2008. Both were headed to Wales to campaign in the local elections. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PAGordon Brown boards the same train as David Cameron at Paddington station in London today. Both were headed to Wales to campaign in the local elections. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

Click on Guardian link for the train story.

Do You want to know what Cameron thinks about Fair Voting – it’s a disgraceful misrepresentation –Ā  see this Evening Standard article

Posted via web from sunwalking’s posterous

Wake up, wake up, wake up!: Are the English public to blame for the mess that Parliament is in?

One of the reasons for the ocean of anger felt by UK citizens – as evidenced in e.g. the 28th May and other editions of the BBC’s Question Time and the comments in numberless newspapers and blogs – is the breaking of trust.

Why did the trust get broken? Well the electorate entrusted their little bits of power to MPs who didn’t (or couldn’t) keep their eye on the ball.

What is ‘the ball’? Ā It’s the set of local and national concerns that a) were the mandate for electing the MP in the first place and b) new or re-prioritized concerns since the electing was done.

What are the MPs supposed to have done instead of watching the ball?

1) allowed the Prime Minster to become close to all-powerful and parliament to become close to powerless, Ā 2) feathered their own nests up to and including the criminal as well as the immoral. Ā 3) Fell asleep for a decade – whilst the country and the world changed. Ā These three led us disastrously into wars and credit crunch impoverishment.

The UK populace is now demanding what it let go in the past – accountability. Ā The English in particular seem, compared to some mainland European countries, Ā political virgins.

Martin Bell HERE says the MPs brought it on themselves – but did we, the English public, bring on the mess because of our negativity and laziness about politics?

There is a slight chance that the population will sufficiently educate itself, in the remaining months before the next General Election. Ā Sufficiently that is to demnad a form of politcs that frees the country from the class-system inspired 19th ideologies of Ā Toryism or Labour.

Labour’s done for, for a decade but the last thing we need is the same old system simply dressed in Cameron’s ‘borrowed clothes’.

From listening a great cross-section of views this is what I think England wants and needs;


ESTABLISH FAIR VOTING ā€“ all the rest are weakened without proportional representation
OVERTURN TRIBAL POLITICS – get out of the strait-jacket of the tired Tory & Labour ideologies ā€“ Cameron is not a real alternative to Blair-Brown, he is the same old stuff – with a slightly different flavour.
CENTRE ON ISSUES BEFORE IDEOLOGIES ā€“ MPs, especially Independent MPs, need to learn to continuously group around issues rather than tribal loyalties.
ENABLE MORE INDEPENDENTS ā€“ more than a quarter should produce positive results.
ACCELERATE FAIR REPRESENTATION – of women and minorities.
DEMAND FACTS BEFORE OPINIONS ā€“ the public as well as MPs need to get the best info from independent sources.
COOPERATE MORE – more cooperation – less wasteful combat for combat’s sake.
MAKE MPS REWARDS FAIR ā€“ eg same as average Head Teacher ā€“ combined with serious and continuous accountability.
INSTITUTE PRIMARIES ā€“ but only after a close examination of their benefits in other countries?
REDUCE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ā€“ create best-practice county-level broad policies e.g. ‘You are statutorily required to provide a holistic set of services for youth in your area.’ Ā Then keep central government out – other than to check that every county is implementing a range of best practice.
MAXIMISE FREE VOTING IN PARLIAMENT ā€“ whipping distorts and stultifies.
HABITUALLY IMPORT BEST PRACTICE – from Denmark, Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Germany etc.
CREATE A SIMPLE WRITTEN CONSTITUTION WITH 1 YEAR ā€“ then take 10 years to refine it.
ELIMINATE WASTE ā€“ everywhere, at all levels.
CONTINUE BEEFING UP TRANSPARENCY IN ACCOUNTABILITY ā€“ we want MPs to be transparently accountable for what they do, not just their expenses.
MAKE VOTING COMPULSORY ā€“ it will reduce wasteful and dispiriting carping, when combined with fair voting.

1 ESTABLISH FAIR VOTING ā€“ all the rest are weakened without proportional representation

2 OVERTURN TRIBAL POLITICS – get out of the strait-jacket of the tired Tory & Labour ideologies ā€“ Cameron is not a real alternative to Blair-Brown, he is the same old stuff – with a slightly different flavour.

3 CENTRE ON ISSUES BEFORE IDEOLOGIES ā€“ MPs, especially Independent MPs, need to learn to continuously group around issues rather than tribal loyalties.

4 ENABLE MORE INDEPENDENTS ā€“ more than a quarter should produce positive results.

5 ACCELERATE FAIR REPRESENTATION – of women and minorities.

6 DEMAND FACTS BEFORE OPINIONS ā€“ the public as well as MPs need to get the best info from independent sources.

7 COOPERATE MORE – more cooperation – less wasteful combat for combat’s sake.

8 MAKE MPS REWARDS FAIR ā€“ eg same as average Head Teacher ā€“ combined with serious and continuous accountability.

9 INSTITUTE PRIMARIES ā€“ but only after a close examination of their benefits in other countries?


11 REDUCE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ā€“ create best-practice county-level broad policies e.g. ‘You are statutorily required to provide a holistic set of services for youth in your area.’ Ā Then keep central government out – other than to check that every county is implementing a range of best practice.

13 MAXIMISE FREE VOTING IN PARLIAMENT ā€“ whipping distorts and stultifies.


15 HABITUALLY IMPORT BEST PRACTICE – from Denmark, Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Germany etc.

16 CREATE A SIMPLE WRITTEN CONSTITUTION WITH 1 YEAR ā€“ then take 10 years to refine it.

17 ELIMINATE WASTE ā€“ everywhere, at all levels.

18 CONTINUE BEEFING UP TRANSPARENCY IN ACCOUNTABILITY ā€“ we want MPs to be transparently accountable for what they do, not just their expenses.


20 MAKE VOTING COMPULSORY ā€“ it will,Ā when combined with fair voting,Ā reduce wasteful and dispiriting carping by lazy moaners.


What changes do YOU want to see in UK politics – tell us!

Like many fellow-citizens right now, May 2009, I am very angry about the state of British politics.

The expenses scandal is the symptom not the disease. Therefore – I see the current furore as the greatest opportunity in the last half-century – to get a modern political system in the UK.

The first draft of my non-party, or trans-party, political manifesto, is below. It’s addressed to fellow citizens and MPs.

PLEASE ADD YOUR VARIATIONS AS A COMMENT or as your own version of a personal manifesto.

The first item Fair Voting is the most important:

ESTABLISHĀ FAIR VOTINGĀ ā€“ take the best from all countries that operate fair voting systems.

MAKE VOTING COMPULSORY ā€“ it will reduce wasteful and dispiriting carping – when combined with fair voting so that every vote counts. Currently we are ruled by MPs who represent only 25% of the people.

Seriously reduce TRIBAL POLITICS – get out of the strait-jacket of the tired Tory & Labour ideologies ā€“ Cameron and his lot are no real alternative to the Blair-Brown lot.

CENTRE ON ISSUES BEFORE IDEOLOGIES ā€“ MPs need to learn to group around the country’s needs and the electorate’s concerns – i.e focus on real issues rather than tribal loyalties.

ENABLE MORE INDEPENDENT MPs ā€“ more than a third should produce positive results.

ACCELERATE FAIR REPRESENTATION – of women and minorities.

DEMAND FACTS BEFORE OPINIONS ā€“ the public as well as MPs need to get the best quality, accurate info from independent sources. Stop all the spinning bull-s***.

COOPERATE MORE – more cooperation than wasteful combat for combat’s sake.

MAKE MPS REWARDS FAIR – combined with serious and continuous accountability.

INSTITUTE PRIMARIES ā€“ but only after a close examination of their benefits in other countries?

FOCUS ON SOCIAL JUSTICE AND QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL STAKE-HOLDERS – i.e stick to social justice and quality of life as pre-eminent virtues.

REDUCE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ā€“ create best-practice, county-level, broad policies e.g. ‘You are statutorily required to provide a holistic set of services for youth in your area.’ Then keep central government out – other than to check that every county is implementing effectively a range of best practice via effective accountability.

MAXIMISE FREE VOTING and SECRET BALLOT VOTING IN PARLIAMENT ā€“ as in election of new Speaker – whipping distorts.

HABITUALLY IMPORT BEST PRACTICE FOR GOVERNMENT AS WELL AS PARLIAMENT – from Denmark, Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Germany etc.

CREATE A SIMPLE WRITTEN CONSTITUTION WITHIN 1 YEAR ā€“ Confine it to three sides of A4 – Invite everyone to write a version. Then take 10 years to refine it. Curb the lawyers.

ELIMINATE WASTE ā€“ everywhere, at all levels.

CONTINUE BEEFING UP TRANSPARENCY IN ACCOUNTABILITY ā€“ we want MPs to be transparently accountable for everything they do, not just their expenses.

EDUCATE THE PEOPLE IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION – all ages – use all media – use carrots and sticks.
