‘Art In Boxes’ Seminar by – Marjolaine Ryley

Marjolaine Ryleh  when Research Fellow at PARC gave a talk in answer to this question 

“Is the way photographs are collected and stored changing forever as the digital age takes an ever-firmer grip on traditional snap-shot photography? The magic of discovering a box full of dusty, faded old photographs under a deceased relatives bed has a magic and poignancy to it that has changed little with the passage of time. But how will we examine a legacy left on-line a personal collection out there in the ether. Squabbles over who gets to keep the pictures could be a thing of the past however the tangible objects we so love to hold may soon disappear altogether. Is the family gathered around the slide projector in order to view an obsessive grandfather’s travels through China a thing of the past? Is this indeed the last picture show?”

To read her talk go HERE

‘Art In Boxes’ Seminar (20 minute talk) – Marjolaine Ryley

(‘Art in Boxes’ was a series of seminars for invited speakers and MA students held at PARC (Photography & the Archive Research Centre) at London College of Communication, University of the Arts, London.)