Happiness as nowness: 31 inspirational quotations for December


Do photographs live in the now?  If so how - where and when and with whom?
Do photographs live in the now? If so how - where and when and with whom?

My chosen favorite quotations for December and mainly about enlightenment, ‘now’ and the importance of living in the now.  They are not by Eckhart Tolle – but by an extraordinary variety of writers, even though Tolle is the outstanding teacher about now-ness.   My thanks espcially to two of the very best sources of quotations online WisdomQuotes and the Quote Garden




1 Into my heart’s night / Along a narrow way / I groped; and lo! the light,……. – Rubaiyat of Rumi



2 Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want. – Anon (?)



3 “The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” — Victor Frankl



4 “Man can embody the truth but he cannot know it.” – W.B. Yeats



5 ‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.’ Mark Twain



6 “Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.” (Buddha)



7 “The greatest remedy for anger is delay.” (Seneca)



8 There is only One machine.

The web is its OS.

All screens look into the One.

No bits will live outside the web.

To share is to gain.

Let the One read it.

The One is us.

Kevin Kelly (see YouTube)



9 “Like poetry, religion is an attempt to express the inexpressible.” – Karen Armstrong



10 Love = “The willingness to extend myself for the spiritual growth of myself or another”. (From “The Road Less Travelled”).



11 The voice of God is silence



12  He/She/It has no religion.



13 The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.



14 We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.



15 How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.



16 The word now is like a bomb through the window, and it ticks.



17 The Hopi Indians of Arizona believe that our daily rituals and prayers literally keep this world spinning on its axis. For me, feeding the seagulls is one of those everyday prayers.



18 Eternity is not something that begins after you are dead. It is going on all the time. We are in it now.



19 Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.



20 Light tomorrow with today!



21 Exhaust the little moment. Soon it dies. 

And be it gash or gold it will not come 

Again in this identical guise.



22 History is more or less bunk. It’s tradition. We don’t want tradition. We want to live in the present and the only history that is worth a tinker’s damn is the history we make today.



23 To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them.



24 Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life..



25 Faith is not contrary to the usual ideas, something that turns out to be right or wrong, like a gambler’s bet: it’s an act, an intention, a project, something that makes you, in leaping into the future, go so far, far, far ahead that you shoot clean out of time and right into Eternity, which is not the end of time or a whole lot of time or unending time, but timelessness, the old Eternal Now.



26 Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!

Look to this Day!

For it is Life, the very Life of Life.

In its brief course lie all the 

Verities and Realities of your Existence.

The Bliss of Growth,

The Glory of Action,

The Splendor of Beauty;

For Yesterday is but a Dream,

And To-morrow is only a Vision;

But To-day well lived makes 

Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,

And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.

Look well therefore to this Day!

Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!



27 It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis.



28 Is it so small a thing 

To have enjoy’d the sun, 

To have lived light in the spring, 

To have loved, to have thought, to have done…



29 Now is the only time. How we relate to it creates the future. In other words, if we’re going to be more cheerful in the future, it’s because of our aspiration and exertion to be cheerful in the present. What we do accumulates; the future is the result of what we do right now.



30 Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;

And give us not to think so far away

As the uncertain harvest; keep us here

All simply in the springing of the year.



31 The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life’s plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.

Namaste – is CharityFocus a miracle at eliminating 99.99% of religious cant, hypocrisy & frippery?

This organization appears to have taken the cooperative spirit and charitable giving a step further than that which drives the other ‘great co-op of the age’ – the open source movement.

They might also have done the virtually impossible – created a community that is inclusive, transcendent, free of ego maniacs that float to the top, that maintains the centrality of religions mystical core whilst eliminating 99.99% of religious cant, hypocrisy & frippery AND does millions of pounds worth of good in the world.  My Uncle Fred says it can’t last – he says its like mobile phones they’ll never catch on!

Here are some quotes from their website;

Eleven years ago, three people decided to sit in silence for an hour, in an everyday Silicon Valley living room. No teachers or gurus. No set agendas or proposed beliefs either. Just silence for an hour every week with one strong principle — when you change within, the world changes.

And instead of closing the door, they left it open … open to all. The rest, as they say, is history.

You’re Invited!

Simply put, Wednesday evenings are about sharing. In the spirit of an ashram, we offer the space for everyone to walk their own walk. A random group of 20-40 folks convenes once a week; we meditate for an hour and follow it up with a roundtable sharing of “aha” moments from everyday life, based on the wide-ranging thought of the week.

While each journey takes different routes, the paths have many similarities. Along that road, sometimes, it is useful to have a place to share … our conviction, compassion, presence or even something undescribable. We grow and learn by listening both to ourselves and the people around us. By looking within — and without.

And you’re invited to join us this Wednesday! There is no charge, we don’t solicit donations, and you don’t have to bring anything. Simply RSVP and you’ll be emailed the directions.

Thank you!

Over the years, thousands of folks have come; some offered much, some received much, but all were present with the same heart. We don’t really understand how this spontaneous convergence of goodness happens every Wednesday, but as hosts, we feel fortunate to have such an opportunity to be of service, and to be home for such sincere and powerful inspiration.

These meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. For many of us they have been and continue to be a constant source of inspiration, insight- and joy.

‘Helping others help others.’ Who said miracles don’t happen any more?

“Namaste” : I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides, I honor

the place in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace. I honor the place within you where

if you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.

Yup – that’ll do for me!