It’s a wonderful world – but Stop the Human TraffiK

It’s a current theme of my mine to daily deepen my appreciation of, and celebration of, ‘It’s a Wonderful World’ but there are some negative realities that must not be ignored – and human trafficking must be at the top of that list. The campaign’s most recent, stunning, email contains the information below – please add your weight, in whatever way you can to their most worthy of aims;

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STOP THE TRAFFIK campaigns on sex and chocolate.

Trafficking starts in the community and it will be stopped by the community

Book. Lecture. Film.


Have you wanted one place to go to find answers about what trafficking is, stories of those who have been trafficked, useful facts when someone asks you and you just don’t know AND actions you can take to begin to change yours and other people’s lives to bring freedom.

“STOP THE TRAFFIK People shouldn’t be bought and sold” will be published in November. A book packed with story, facts and action to inspire community action and Traffik Free choices.


TOP.STOP THE TRAFFIK is launching its first INTERNATIONAL lecture given by Cherie Blair on 27 November at a LONDON VENUE.

This is the people’s lecture.

This is a lecture for you to hear from Cherie Blair, an internationally acclaimed human rights lawyer and from Steve Chalke Chairman STOP THE TRAFFIK and UN Special Advisor for Community Action Against Human Trafficking.

We hope to have the lecture available on the website after the event for everyone to read or listen to.

If you would like to attend the lecture e-mail to be added to the invite list.


STOP THE TRAFFIK film.Featured Interviews, ground breaking footage of an international good news story. Out soon on the website

The latest STOP THE TRAFFIK film coming out in July will show you what STOP THE TRAFFIK has done and talk about the global movement that is building.

Who is the film for?

It’s an update for those who are part of STOP THE TRAFFIK and explores what we have got to do together.

It’s to show people who have never heard about trafficking and inspire them to join.

For use in schools, community groups, on blogs and websites. It is the best introduction to our global campaign.

We are in a position now to make a bigger impact than ever, but to take up that opportunity we need financial support. Please donate to STOP THE TRAFFIK, your contribution will make all the difference.

Trafficking begins in the community and it will be stopped by the community

The book, film and lecture are resources to inspire community action. We believe that when people act things change.

Thank you for being part of STOP THE TRAFFIK

STOP THE TRAFFIK Coordinating Team
1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP
+44 (0)20 7921 4258

Should you wish to unsubscribe, please follow this link.

You can STOP THE TRAFFIK by signing our delcaration


HERE is the campaign’s site


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the

PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success