
Are you managing?

The vast majority of the 1000+ themes on this site are relevant to you as a manager – relevant to your personal or professional development.

In brief the model here – my SunWALK PDS (People Development System) sees management as maximising the energy that flows through each of those you manage – and through the team as a whole.

Energy flows – work gets done, results, achievement.  Energy blocked – work rate, performance and results go down.

The manager’s job is to get things done through keeping that flow of energy maximized.

That means paying attention to the human issues as well as the technicalities of getting things done.

You manage – more or less – the team’s ability to grow, to development, to become high-functioning.  You – more or less – enable or disable individuals to engage and progress their own personal and professional development.

Your management is as good as your development – check out that you aren’t the blockage!

The good news is that on this site are ideas that you can put to work straight away.

Why not use the SEARCH button or the Categories/Index.