Chanting, meditation and oneness: Aum, the sacred Indian mantra

Katinka Hesselink has brought together a range of videos and other stuff to do with ‘Aum’ – very useful despite the Squidoo tacky-fication.

via Aum, the sacred Indian mantra ; Om, Ohm – meditating unity

Squidoo also do pages of widely varying quality on luminaries, and others, e.g.

Karen Armstrong

Authenticity and Authentic Business

Below is information from the front page of the Authentic Business website which still offers a wide range of very interesting materials and ideas – as such it deserves wider circulation. Let’s hope that someone might develop it further.


This site has masses of inspiring and fascinating content but is no longer regularly updated. For more up to date information and inspiration about authenticity for business and individuals please follow the links below.

Authentic Transformation – bring more authenticity into your life and work

Authentic Inspiration – weekly inspiration, podcasts, inspiring books, movies etc

Authentic Guides – business service professionals working with authenticity

Our battles with dragons.more>>

dragonRecently, a cancer victim friend of mine wrote to me of her thoughts and feelings expressed in a short piece of prose. Her piece was called ā€˜Fighting the Dragonsā€™ and I reproduce here for you…

The law of escalating efficiencies – the power of the fourth be with us!more>>

bulbThe simplest energy efficiency and renewables actions – taken seriously – can carry us right across ‘the energy gap’ – in one single bound! There is so much bad news around climate chaos that it is easy to lose heart. We are so ‘hooked’ on the belief that we ‘need’ vast amounts of energy to live decent lives that we all shun tackling the root of the problem.

A Fairer Way to do Business ā€“ the story of a young women embarking on building a Fair Trade business.more>>

remouldRemould ā€“ Fair Trade Clothing is run by Cathy Tiffany from her shop in New Mills, Derbyshire. Cathy wanted to sell alternative fashion to local people who had an interest in ethical and Fair Trade clothing. Cathy has recently expanded her range to childrenā€™s wear and is working hard to develop her online business to reach a wider spectrum of ethically minded people.

Empathy, a wonderful aspect of EQ emotional intelligence.more>>

passportThe other evening I was at home relaxing watching television and an old episode of ā€˜Airportā€™ came on. I always enjoyed the series. It always reminds me of my times of travel and excitement and of seeing people bustling on the concourse and feeling my hopes rising and feeling as though my dreams are appearing through the mist of uncertainty and becoming more solid. Watching the screen you see such a diversity of travellers and then all the staff of Heathrow [it could be any airport really]. The end credits to ā€˜Love Actuallyā€™ always come to mind as well when watching this program.

Raising public awareness in achieving tourism sustainability on the Island of Rhodesmore>>

rhodesPublic participation is a key ingredient to sustainability in tourism. Raising public awareness requires strong political leadership.

There are two fundamental questions that the leaders and those who hold the power on matters of hospitality and tourism on the island of Rhodes should address: (1) what is sustainability in tourism? and (2) why they should raise public awareness?.

This Way Upmore>>

thiswayupDo you ever have the feeling that you’re being lied to about just don’t know what? That there’s something wrong with the way society defines your success, but you just can’t put your finger on it? Do you question that there has to be more to life than getting a job, making some money, working until you’re sixty, then retiring to the country

Learning from othersmore>>
LANCSYou may well have read last October on this web site an article I wrote entitled ā€œA Bridge in Lifeā€. If not, you can still see it or you can even email me for a copy. In the article I wrote about my being a retired Police Officer and the dangers I faced on a daily basis ~ the journey of my life through and from that phase ~ and my soulful expression these days through my work, interactions with people and my written poetry and prose.
What does it take to change your life for the better?more>>
bankseyI am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to meet some of the most inspiring possible people. These people are not famous (yet), they are not especially rich or successful (yet), but they do have one thing in common.
What you don’t yet know!more>>
porscheIncreased land fill taxes. Rising energy prices. Emissions taxes. Unpredictable weather. For most of our lives the environment has been a more or less free resource to be used and abused at will. That situation has changed and that means changes in the way we run our businesses.

newconsumerNew Consumers change the world via the High Street as Fairtrade becomes a habit of a lifestyle so Fairtrade producers get a fair deal. Itā€™s Fairtrade Fortnight 6-19 March, and New Consumer, the UKā€™s leading Fairtrade and ethical lifestyle magazine, is celebrating the achievement of new consumers as you continue to fuel a Fairtrade Revolution. You are changing the world, by taking ten small, easy steps to support Fairtrade a proven, practical way to alleviate poverty.


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the

PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

Buddhist Chanting – online (reposted)

I was delighted to find that a Buddhist monastery in California – Abhayagiri – is reaching out globally by making some chanting and talks available on the web HERE.

You can also listen to the Bhagavad Gita chanted in English HERE.



All postings to this site relate to the central SunWALK model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE