Education is a mess – is there an integrative way to teach?

I have updated an introduction to the SunWALK model of human-centred studies;Ā 

SunWALK: Summary of the main meanings of the components represented inĀ 
the model and its ā€˜logo-diagram-mandalaā€™ ā€“ providing a teacherā€™s process modelĀ 




SunWALK: Summary of the main meanings of the components represented inĀ 

the model and its ā€˜logo-diagram-mandalaā€™ ā€“ providing a teacherā€™s process model

Give me a brief introduction:

SunWALK grew out of reflection on many years of teaching children and adults and particularly a period of five years teaching in a RC middle school ā€“ theorizing my practice via a PhD and practising my theory day-to-day.

SunWALK simply says that the quality of all of our lives will be higher if we undertake all education within the framework of deepening our humanity. Ā 

Deepening our humanity is a matter of developing technical competencies within the chief dimensions of the human spirit;Ā Caring (the Humanities), CreativityĀ (the Arts) andĀ CriticalityĀ (the Sciences & Philosophy) ā€“ all in local, national and world Communities. Ā These are the ā€˜4Csā€™ of the model ā€“ 3 intra-personal, 1 inter-personal.

We and our one planet will be better of if all of the technical stuff, from learning to read to Masters degrees in engineering, take place in the context of humanization/the 4Cs. Ā This requires international, national, school & classroom commitment to deepening the best of being human as the context for learning the technical.

We canā€™t afford to have character and morality and compassion asĀ hoped-forĀ accidentalĀ outcomes. Ā Moral Education, PSME, RE etc. donā€™t work as bolt-on extras. Ā They need to be the general context in which competencies are developed.

It is a model based on theĀ energy flowĀ of the human spirit ā€“ that is the given. That is physical, mental and spiritual energy that flows through all living human beings. Ā 

That energy, the human spirit, is the true ā€™stuff of educationā€™. Ā With the best of the past teachers need to equip children to face tomorrowā€™s challenges which will always be a mixture of new problems combined with eternally recurrent problems. Ā Building all education with will be the medium with which the teacher works to nurture and challenge balanced development.

Today we have lost the balance between specialization, and whole-systems thinking and acting ā€“ SunWALK model brings into harmony the best of ā€˜Westernā€™ & ā€˜Easternā€™ world-views.Ā 

OK ā€“ so whatā€™s the ā€˜Sunā€™ and the ā€˜WALK in the modelā€™?

The ā€˜Sunā€™ = the individualā€™s spiritual inspiration & values sources ā€“ accumulated and ongoing, as operating internally and as expressed in speech and behaviour.Ā 

WALK = Willing & Wise Action through Loving & Knowing ā€“ here seen as the general goal for education, and as the interiority, character and behaviour of the student.Ā 

The model/logo combines a range of sub-models including the following:

a) An ā€˜interiorā€™ model of the human spirit ā€“ in relation to ā€˜the worldā€™.

b) A model for re-positioning education within being & becoming human ā€“ in the world with others.

c) A general model of the curriculum ā€“ for primary, secondary and higher education.

d) A framework for the analysis and evaluation of teaching episodes or projects.

e) A model of education that makes non-faith-specific spiritual and moral education intrinsic to all learning.



The SunWALK model of spiritualizing pedagogy sees human education as theĀ 


developmentĀ ofĀ 

meaning, which isĀ 

constructed, andĀ de-constructed,Ā 

physically,Ā mentallyĀ andĀ spiritually, throughĀ 

WiseĀ &Ā Willing

Action, viaĀ 

LovingĀ andĀ KnowingĀ ā€“ developed inĀ 

Community, through the

ā€˜Dialectical SpiritualizationĀ [1]ā€™ofĀ 

Caring,Ā CreativityĀ &Ā CriticalityĀ processes, all undertaken in the light of theĀ 

ā€˜Sunā€™ of chosen higher-order

valuesĀ andĀ beliefs, using best available,appropriateĀ 


These underlined concerns are central components and focuses of the practice and theory in the model.Ā 

This is an intense combination of theory and practice. Ā It automatically requires the teacher to practice their theory and theorise their practice ā€“ dynamically as practice-based research. Ā It automatically enables the classroom to be connected to the school & community as a whole and to e.g. a relevant department in a university.

It attempts to suffuse all teaching with the demands, challenges and joy of being human in the world with others. Ā But it seeks to bring together the Whole and the parts, the ineffable and the concepts ā€“ not just concepts because as Heschel (1971:7) says, ā€œConcepts are delicious snacks with which we try to alleviate our amazement.ā€

The diagram/logo/

The outer ring of the SunWALK logo combines two dimensions:

1 ā€˜Community i.e. the social,interpersonal dimension of interaction with other individuals or groups.

2Ā  ā€˜Cultural sourcesā€™ including such dimensions as the traditions, the political & the legal. Ā 

The three major divisions of the arts,sciences and humanities are here thought of as the stored, yet potentially dynamic, accumulation of knowledge and beliefs and procedures ā€“ everything from galleries to written laws of physics that the individual can draw upon or be influenced by. This is the ā€˜stuff out thereā€™ rather than the interiority of consciousness in which there is the perpetual flow and re-shaping, focusing de-focusing etc. of heart-mind.

In SunWALK everything within the inner circle = a representation of ā€˜interiorityā€™, i.e. human consciousness ā€“ the human spirit.Ā 

The human spirit is presented intra-personally as 3 ā€˜voicesā€™ ā€“ 3 modes of being & of engaging with reality & of knowing.

The three emanate from the singleness of ā€˜heart-mindā€™, consciousness. Ā 

They are presented (metaphorically) as the ā€˜primary coloursā€™ ofĀ CreativityĀ (the yellow of inspiration),Ā CriticalityĀ (the blue of reason) &Ā CaringĀ (the red warmth of love).Ā 

Creativity is the ā€˜Iā€™ voice of subjective engagement via an artistic medium ā€“ it is concerned with subjective knowing and is particularly related to the core virtue ā€˜beautyā€™ and its products are of course ā€˜the Artsā€™.Ā 

Criticality is the ā€˜ITā€™ voice of objective engagement which enables progress in the Sciences ( & Maths., Philosophy and ā€˜criticalā€™ studies). It is concerned with objective knowing ā€“ and it is related particularly to the core virtue ā€˜truthā€™. Ā The products of course are the sciences and technology Ā – but also philosophy and critical studies.

Caring is the ā€˜WEā€™ voice which enables moral engagement ā€“ for progress in the moral domain and in service of others. It is concerned with social knowing ā€“ related particularly to the core virtue ā€˜goodnessā€™ and to ā€˜the Humanitiesā€™.Ā 

All three of course need to be conditioned by the pre-eminent virtue of justice. Ā All students need to have these ways of engaging with reality developed in a balanced way. Ā High technical competence combined with moral dwarfism leads to ā€¦ā€¦

The physical dimension is seen as the instrument for the flow of spirit in all of its forms ā€“ e.g. via dance, drama & PE and sports.

Each individual develops her/his I, WE and IT voices, the 3Cs, via socialization, starting in the family, the local community and then later in formal education. A sense of justice is seen as paramount intrapersonally as well as inter-personally i.e. it enables us to engage with that which is beautiful, good or true with balance, clarity & due weight.

The essential process in all 4Cs is multi-level dialogue. In the case of the individual dialogue is seen as meditation, reflection and inner-talk. In the case of groups it is dialectical process via consultation.

The ā€˜Celticā€™ knot that surrounds the central shield indicates that the 3Cs are simply aspects of the one human spiritā€“ the flow of ā€˜heart-mindā€™.

The white shield at the centre represents the meditative state in which there is no ā€˜focusedā€™ engagement via one of the 3Cs ā€“ and in which there is relatively little of the interference or chatter that we experience in the unquiet mind.Ā 

This can enable us to ā€˜go beyond ourselvesā€™, i.e. transcend our normal knowing ā€“ any of the 3Cs (I, WE or IT modes), as gateways, can be a pathway to the transcendent and to subsequent improved insight into reality.

The black dot at the centre is the ā€˜well-springā€™ of consciousness. For artists (and great scientists) it is the Muse. For religionists it is the voice of God within (albeit distorted by the dust of self). For non-religionists it is the inner source of spirit as energy & inspiration ā€“ the bits of realization and insight that come to us for which we donā€™t make an effort.

Educating the human spirit is seen as nurturing, and cultivating, the life-force which culminates in the developed human who, through higher-order consciousness, realizes abilities from within Caring, Creative or Critical engagements.Ā 

Teaching is seen as nurturing and cultivating what is normally present, almost from birth, & certainly by the time we go to school ā€“ namely the flow of spirit expressed in nascent forms of Caring, Creativity, and Criticality ā€“ in Community with others. Holistic Learning takes place when the learner uses Creativity, Criticality and Caring ā€“ in Community ā€“ inspired by higher-order values ā€“ in dynamic combinations such as Creativity providing texts for criticality ā€“ which then, via dialogue, produce/attract the spirit for more creativity.

In SunWALK spirituality is not a dimension; it is the model as a whole. In SunWALK moral education is not a dimension ā€“ it is intrinsic to all of its praxis.Ā 

The SunWALK logo can also be seen as a mandala, or even as a plan drawing for a fountain or an ā€˜arts centre of lightā€™! Ā 

SunWALK is a major shift to a process view of the world, of being human and of educating our young people. It rejects a worldview that is limited to the mechanistic, the ā€˜human-as-computer, the fragmentary and the materialistic; seeking instead modelling that is based on flow/process, holism and the spiritual. Ā Ā 

SunWALK is designed to enable teachers and students to become agents of change to transform a world that is still operated as atomistic, mechanistic and materialistic into one that is holistic, dialogic, and derived from the best processes and products of the human spirit.

The SunWALK logo and model of education Copyright Roger Prentice 1995 & 2009




SEE ALSO these allied blogs –

Ā Human-centred coursesĀ ā€“

Ā Dictionary of Concepts

Home is HERE i.e. my ‘meta-blog’Ā -The Ā“1000 ways ā€¦of Celebrating the human spirit




Dear Steven Pinker: on language, concepts and beyond.

Dear Steven Pinker

Thanks for a very enjoyable lecture. Ā (17mins 41 secs)

You clearly know more about language than I will ever want to know! Ā 

My problem is with what I sense is an assumption beneath the lecture.

To me the assumption feels something like this. Ā Human ‘internality’ is mind. Mind is concepts. Ā Concepts are very closely related to items of language. Ā 

An alternative is this – internality is conciousness and movements in consciousness. Ā Perhaps ‘heart-mind’, ‘xin’ in Chinese is a better label – so that we don’t pin feelings to inferiority and inferiority to particular groups. e.g. women or ‘new men’. Ā 

Heart-mind itself can be seen much deeper than concepts or feelings – the stillness beyond the agitation of the mind as in Tolle’s Ā ‘Stillness Speaks

Perhaps then we could say that ultimately language is the means by which we (might/could/should) come to understand that human reality is beyond language?

Reflections inspired by Eckhart Tolle: 1

Could we experience stillness, oneness and Self without brain, mind and concepts!
Could we experience stillness, oneness and Self without brain, mind and concepts!

Perhaps arguing with Mr Tolle might be more accurate, great teacher though he is!

When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself.Ā  When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.

Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness.Ā  This is the I AM that is deeper than name and form. Stillness Speaks p.3


1) It makes sense to distinguish between self and Self.

Self is Source/Wholenesss/Ultimate Reality/God etc, but unless you admit the usefulness of self as well no communication or pleasure or learning or anything is possible.Ā  So its not yourself its your (true) Self – that gives meaning, purpose and en-formed identity.Ā  If there is only Self talking to Self ad infinitum it is just God having perpetual inner dialogue.

2) The World is anything, at any moment, that stops us being in touch with Self.

4) I am as well as I AM – and that was God’s will.Ā  The duality is the key dynamic in His ‘Great Big Teaching Machine’ – i.e. embodied reality – in this world – with others.Ā  The ultimate extended metaphor of physical reality is another way to refer to His ‘Great Big Teaching Machine’.

5) ‘Name’ and ‘form’ is the means by which we come to discover namelessness and formlessness.

Wilber – a key passage to enable us to discuss his work in relation to education?

For some time I have been looking for a key passage as a way into discussing aspects of Wilber’s work – especially in relation to education. This is the best I’ve found so far.

….according to the great sages there is something in us that is always conscious ā€“ that is literally conscious or aware at all times and through all states, waking dreaming, sleeping. And that ever-present awareness is Spirit in us. That underlying current of constant consciousness (or nondual awareness) is a direct and unbroken ray of pure Spirit itself. It is our connection with the Goddess, our pipeline straight to God.


Thus, if we want to realize our supreme identity with Spirit, we will have to plug ourselves into this current of constant consciousness, and follow it through all changes of state-waking, dreaming, sleeping ā€“ which will (1) strip us of an exclusive identification with any of those states (such as the body, the mind, the ego, or the soul; and (2) allow us to recognize and identify with that which is constant ā€“ or timeless ā€“ through all of those states, namely, Consciousness as Such, by any other name, timeless Spirit …..


The moment this constant nondual consciousness is obvious in your case, a new destiny will awaken in the midst of the manifest world. You will have discovered your own Buddha-mind, your own Godhead, your own formless, spaceless, timeless, infinite Emptiness, your own Atman that is Brahman, your Keter, Christ consciousness, radiant Shekhinah ā€“ in so many words, One Taste. It is unmistakably so. And just that is your true identity ā€“ pure Emptiness or pure unqualifiable Consciousness as Such ā€“ and thus you are released from the terror and the torment that necessarily arise when you identify with a little subject in a world of little objects.


Once you find your formless identity as Buddha-mind, as Atman, as pure Spirit or Godhead, you will take that constant, nondual, ever-present consciousness and re-enter the lesser states, subtle mind and gross body, and re-animate them with radiance. You will not remain merely Formless and Empty. You will Empty yourself of Emptiness: you will pour yourself out into the mind and world, and create them in the process, and enter them all equally, but especially and particularly that specific mind and body that is called you (that is called, in my case, Ken Wilber); this lesser self will become the vehicle of the Spirit that you are.


And then all things, including your own little mind and body and feelings and thoughts, will arise in the vast Emptiness that you are, and they will self-liberate into their own true nature just as they arise, precisely because you no longer identify with any one of them, but rather let them play, let them all arise, in the Emptiness and Openness that you now are. You then will awaken as radical Freedom, and sing those songs of radiant release, beam an infinity too obvious to see, and drink an ocean of delight. You will look at the moon as part of your body and bow to the sun as part of your heart, and it is all just so. For eternally and always, eternally and always, there is only this.


But you have not found this Freedom, or in any way attained it. It is in fact the same Freedom that has lived in the house of the pure Witness from the very start. You are merely recognizing the pure and empty Self, the radical I-I, that has been your natural awareness from the beginning and all along, but that you didn’t notice because you had become lost in the intoxicating movie of life.


With the awakening of constant consciousness, you become something of a divine schizophrenic, in the popular sense of ‘split-minded,’ because you have access to both the Witness and the ego. You are actual ‘whole-minded’, but it sounds like it’s split, because you are aware of the constant Witness of Spirit in you, and you are also perfectly aware of the movies of life, the ego and all its ups and downs. So you still feel pain and suffering and sorrow, but then can no longer convince you of their importance ā€“ you are no longer the victim of life, but its Witness.


In fact, because you are no longer afraid of your feelings, you can engage them with much greater intensity. The movies of life becomes more vivid and vibrant, precisely because you are no longer grasping or avoiding it, and thus no longer trying to dull or dilute it. You no longer turn the volume down. You might even cry harder, laugh louder, jump higher. Choiceless awareness doesn’t mean you cease to feel; it means you feel fully, feel deeply, feel to infinity itself, and laugh and cry and love until it hurts. Life jumps right off the screen, and you are one with all of it, because you don’t recoil.


p.45-6, EKW

This passage covers a lot – but that’s the point.

To be developed.


All postings to this site relate to the central SunWALK model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE

Wilberian concepts 1: ineffable

This is the first of a series of key Wilberian concepts

The mystical experience is indeed ineffable, or not capable of being entirely put into words; like any experience ā€“ a sunset, eating a piece of cake, listening to Bach’s music ā€“ one has to have the actual experience to see what it’s like. We don’t conclude, however, that sunset, cake and music therefore don’t exist or aren’t valid. Further, even though the mystical experience is largely ineffable, it can be communicated or transmitted, namely, by taking up spiritual practice under the guidance of a spiritual master or teacher (much as Judo can be taught but not spoken; as Wittgenstein would have it, the mystical ‘can be shown but not said’.

One of the great challenges is to legitimize spiritual experience in the eyes of those who feel the concept to be alien. Sunsets, cake and great music are pretty good ways to bridge understanding.

I wonder if Wilber has read the great poet-philosopher of the ineffable – Abraham Joshua Heschel – I do hope so, they are comparable masters, same hymn-book but slightly different styles.


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE

The concept of alienation in the SunWALK model of Holistic Education



ā€œFreire shows us how the concept of extension leads to actions which transform the peasant into a ā€œthingā€, an object of development projects which negate him as a being capable of transforming the world.ā€

Jacques Chonchol p.88, Education: The Practice of Freedom


In SunWALK alienation is primarily seen as the condition of severe and prolonged estrangement in which the individual feels her/him self to have no place, in one or more relevant groups. The individual may feel (violently) antipathetic to those groups. Such estrangement can, of course, be very expensive for such individuals and for the groups to whom they belong.


SunWALK is concerned with minimizing alienation through effectively equipping the individual to claim a place in her/his society and this includes incorporating Lipmanā€™s notion of the class as ā€˜a community of inquiryā€™, including a high degree of democracy in its processes.

Alienation, according to Tom Heaney, is oppositional othernessā€“the simultaneous presence of conflict and distance. He points out that in the context of Freirean thinking there is a positive form that is a pre-requisite in creativity ā€“ opposing views bring forth newness or development. Perhaps the dialectical could be viewed as oppositional togetherness !






All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE