Sheila Chandra – voice of a goddess?

My latest discovery (years after most others) is the extraordinary talent of Sheila Chandra – who sings exquisitely in both English and Indian idioms – and others.

For me the ultimate piece of hers that I’ve heard is Dhyana and Donalogue – you can hear a sample HERE

A less sublime and more popular song by her is;

For me Dhyana and Donalogue transcends even the noble Joan Baez – and equals the sublimity of Cecilia Bartoli 


True achievement, success and happiness lie in being fully and positively human –

through our caring our creativity and our criticality –

developed via service to the communities to which we belong.

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PhD. Summaries are HERE


On this site there are 1000+ ideas that you can put to work straight away.

Why not use the SEARCH, CATGORIES or INDEX to find the ideas for you?”

Overtone Music and its Network

Where would you go for your didgeridoo? Well Jonathon Cope plays, teachers and sells the didge for a living as part of his interest in overtone and other more unusual music.

What is overtone music?

Try the Wikipedia article if you want heavy-duty information but ……

According to the Overtone Music Network (an open public social network for music which contains elements of instruments with a high content of overtones like a didgeridoo, gong, jew’s harp, singing-bowl, tambura or other instruments and as well overtone, harmonic or throat singing.)

What are Overtones?

In most cases where a sound is created by natural means (such as a musical instrument or the human voice), a number of higher tones is produced in addition to the fundamental pitch. These higher tones are called overtones, partial tones, or harmonics. The sequence of these tones is called the overtone series, harmonic sequence, or sequence of natural tones. The combination of the fundamental and the overtones is the frequency spectrum of a tone.

The Logo ૐ

The logo of Overtone Music Network is ૐ – OM – an ancient syllable from india which means: »Space will be open« or »Space, open!«. You can find it at the beginning of many Hindu texts as a holy exclamation to be called out at the start and the end of a reading of the Vedas or originally to any prayer or mantra. OM is an expression for the philosophy that every human being is it’s own cosmos. Cosmos means that the universe is regarded as a well-ordered, harmonious whole in your heart and mind, also expressed in your own overtone and harmonic singing and chanting.



You can also by CDs and other stuff from Jonathon

Through his site you can even listen to DidgHead radio! (Go to the It’s part of live

DidgeHead Radion also has:

Also Trys

WorldStreams Radio
weaving a tapestry of great music from around the world… Visit http://www.worldstream
we have videoes . Our playlists is 1635Title 7 day of World fusion musics Elling …
world music
World music at its best. From Mali to Israel, from India to Egypt. A great selec …
Why listen to cheesy ads?! – Go to NO signup, NO ads, BET …
All and Everything


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SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

Martin Kerr – music for reflective teachers and creative learners

Two musical things, with a connection, happened recently. My wife and I walked into a music shop in Brighton UK and there on a large-screen tv was Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee – happiness!

When I got home I found more music waiting form me, this time from the UKs singer-songwriter Martin Kerr, who currently lives in Edmonton Canada.

Martin wrote and thought I might be interested in two songs for preschool children. Yes I am but his work is also a great inspiration for people of all ages. I suspect that other teachers will, like me, warm to Martin’s music.

His songs and or lyrics would make a wonderful starting point for Philosophy for Children, or adults, especially if the philosophising led back, in a loop, to making songs. This is such a fine expression of the I (capital I) voice of creativity, of the subjective voice, as described in the SunWALK model and in Ken Wilber’s writings.

My response to Martin:

uncompromsing like Sinéad O’Connor or Dylan

lyrical like John Denver or Red Grammer

thoughtful like so many fine thinkers

structurally his lyrics and singing cut songs in your consciousness like a sculptor revealing his vision from stone

His published CD is at

About himself he says;

I write what I’d like to listen to – songs of honesty and passion, very personal accounts of struggles and adventures that we all share in some form. Originally from Oakham, a wee town in middle England, I grew up with a world map on my wall, and have since travelled to 26 countries and counting. My favourite type of music is “live” – there’s a unique power to being face to face with the artists, to feeling the soundwaves through your body and seeing the lyrics and melodies interpreted on their faces and on those of the audience. My music collection is mostly populated by other independent musicians whom I’ve met at gigs and traded CDs with. Songs are definitely more powerful when you’ve met the person who wrote them, and feel you know them a little. For the same reason I always tell stories when I perform, to give the songs greater context, life and colour. I often exaggerate my proper English accent in order to appear intelligent and sophisticated, although despite this, at least 50% of the North Americans I meet think I’m from Australia…the other half think I’m Hugh Grant in disguise…

The liner notes for Martin’s CD read like this

Written across 4 continents and recorded during his time in China, these songs share the profound thoughts and transformative experiences of a young songwriter finding his place in the world.

Liner Notes

by Martin Kerr

There are two meanings to the title of this album. On the level of our ailing sociey, “I don’t wanna be just another man”, but as a human soul that is, of course, exactly what I am. ‘Just Another Man’ means, to me, that art is not the exclusive domain of a uniquely gifted few. It is a universal human phenomenon – the expression of every sincere heart. I believe that our musical future will not be one where individual idols, swathed in lights and artificial glory, look down on adoring mulititudes. It is one where each child grows up with the knowlege that every human heart contains such jewels as beauty, love, truth and faith. One where the sharing of those treasures through sincere and creative expression is a daily delight and the basis of true community. My hope is that by sharing in these few rough, dusty gems of my own wandering heart you may be encouraged to find and give forth more of your own…

Paul McCartney’s The Space Within US; music of the human spirit


Just watched Paul McCartney’s The Space Within US tour. Accepting that it was edited for effect it must be one of the best rock n roll music & documentary DVDs to exemplify the universal and transcendent nature of music.


Audience shots show the high degree of basic positive human emotions- happiness, joy etc – but there are also shots that suggest reverie, awe, a sense of grace and even religious ecstasy. What we see in them, and flowing from them, is part of human nature – intrinsic before the holy breaks down into the fragments of negative qualities through adverse socialization.


There isn’t in this concert the sense of kinship through being paid-up members of ‘we hate X, Y or Z group’. Instead there is the joy of experiencing the joy and love of their higher Selves – in the midst of thousands of others experiencing the same pure life force.


In addition to words of praise from a range of notables, including President Bill Clinton, Bob Spitz says of McCartney and his music, ‘He brings joy to the world.’


The reason that commentators saw it as genuinely spiritual was that the responses were unladen with ideology and its thousands of ways of dividing us from ourselves and from each other.


It’s worth much more than a time-filling watch.




All postings to this site relate to the central SunWALK model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE

De-mystifying the mystical and deciding on your definition of ‘mystical’?

What’s your definition of mystical and mystical experience? The one I came up with is as follows;

‘The mystical is positive, ineffable, unitive, experience that enhances insight or knowing – in a spiritual or religious context.’ (My composite definition to use with Hick’s definition below)

This is a composite developed from a range of authorities I looked at. In addition to developing a definition that works for me I want to de-mystify the mystical. Many mystics are presented as rare creatures but I wanted to emphasize that mystical experience is part of everyday life – like philosophizing. There are neutral and even negative such experiences. The essential thing is the experience of being at one with the Whole and losing what Wilber and others call our ego-boundaries of self (ego).

Positive such experiences provide us with deeper insights into reality and the will to do good in the world. This may or may not be in a religious context.

Neutral or negative such experiences – I will leave it to you to decise which is which – include sex, drugs and rock and roll and such experiences as are available via flotation tanks. Music must surely be included.

What proof is there that such experience is part of normality? Perhaps there are clues in everyday language such as the phrase, “It took me out of myself?” or “I was transported…” (rather more 19thC).

I think that the ‘rarification’ of such people as mystics can be part of how a power elite has in the past exerted power over the common people. Fundamentalists are wary of mystics because they might have a view that’s different to the ‘party line’.

Apparently mystics flowered only for a short time in England.

Of course submitting your own experiences to reason and reasonableness helps create a balance.

My slightly adapted ‘John Hick’s definition’ of the mystical is helpful – the mystical is nothing more or less than direct religious experience’. It’s especially useful if combined with the Christian idea that you will ‘know them by their fruits’

The point is the mystical is subjective. We might be self-deceiving – so its a good idea to have some teachers whose ‘living of the life’ and creating of ‘good fruit’ qualifies them to be seen as authorities.

The bottom line is beliefs matter less that action – so why vilify or kill those whose only difference is that they might hold different beliefs?

Of course – but there’s a sting in the tail – there’s room in my world for fundamentalists, but there’s no room in their world for me. Hmm……..


” Mystical experience…..does not seem to me to be anything other than first-hand religious experience as such. This is, however, the core of religion.

…the explanatory function of religion is secondary and derivative. Religion consists primarily in experiencing our life in its relation to the Transcendent and living on the basis of that experience….

… terms of Ninian Smart’s six-dimensional analysis – distinguishing the





social and

experiential dimensions of religion

– mysticism is a general name for religious experience together with part at least of the network of religious practices which support it.

…. Brother David (Steindl-Rast) defined mysticism as “experience of communion with the source of meaning“; and he stressed that all who worship, and indeed all who are conscious of the divine, are mystics. ….and Swami Prabuddhananda defined mysticism as ‘the realization of relationship between the individual soul and the infinite reality‘” P423

Hick, John, (1981) Mystical Experience as Cognition in Understanding Mysticism, ed. Richard Woods, London: The Athlone Press


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE

What is art? – definitions


What is art?

One definition that works for me is;

Art is culturally significant meaning, skilfully encoded in an affecting, sensuous medium.

Richard Anderson quoted in Freeland (2001 p. 77)

I would make one change;

Art is culturally, and personally, significant meaning, skilfully encoded in an affecting, sensuous medium.

There is a whole range of art that I know has cultural meaning but for it to enable an aesthetic experience in me it has also to have personal as well as cultural meaning.

TASKS:Lesson questions

How far, and in what ways, has art , through the dominance of conceptual art, replaced philosophy?

How far, and in what ways, has art replaced religion?

More resources

Extensive quotations from Tolstoy at Professor Julie van Camp’s site are HERE


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD. Summaries are HERE

From ‘Summer is a-coming in’ (1250) to ‘Cummin Thru Ya Fuckin Block’ (1994); each generation’s popular song lyrics – for cultural exploration

bob-dylan-freewheelin-lyrics.jpgSource – and lyrics for the Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan

From SUmair is IcUmin in (1250) to Cummin Thru Ya Fuckin Block (1994); each generation’s popular song lyrics – for cultural exploration of values and beliefs

Great song lyrics are inspiring. Of course when they are coupled with great music the two have a multiplier effect and become ‘transcendent’. Why? How do the words when combined with the music become so powerful – so powerful that they can ‘take us out of ourselves’ and transport us delightfully?

Once or twice I’ve heard teachers and/or preachers refer to lyrics in popular song and I’m sure a lot of work has been done in schools and colleges. Here I just post one or two ideas and hope that I get to hear about more such work.


I did look many many years ago at some of the lyrics used by Joan Baez and Bob Dylan with secondary school pupils in the context of teaching English in the first school in which I taught. (I’m afraid I am one of those who thought that Bob Dylan did fall from grace with the electric guitar – but no one can take away the diamond-like clarity and poetry of his early work!) Still good stuff!


If you can avoid too much initial resistance folk song is, of course, a very interesting vehicle to look at historical events and work-related and class and geographic issues.


One of the earliest songs is SUmair is IcUmin in (c.1250)

SUmair is IcUmin in, lU-duh sing cUckU
GrOweth sAd and blOweth mAd and springth the wUduh nU
ow-uh blAteth after lahhhmb, lOth after cal-vuh cU
Bullock stairteth, buck-uh vairteth, mUrI sing cUckU
Well singst thU cUckU; nA swick thU nevair nU
Sing cUckU, nU….

Summer is coming in, loudly sings the cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo….
The seed grows; the meadow blossoms, and the woods alivens anew.
The ewe bleats after the lamb; the cow lows after the calf;
The bull leaps; the goat capers*; merrily sing cuckoo!
Well sing you, cuckoo–don’t ever stop now.
Sing cuckoo, now….

Hear the music HERE

Lastly I want to mention films – probably like me you are astonished in having watched a film to see that it had used 30 or so songs and yet you were not aware of them – so looking at the use of popular music in films is another very interesting area.

TASK/LESSONs – a few ideas

1 Look at some lyrics that stand up as poetry and some that don’t but get transformed when coupled with the music.

2 Explore the multiplier effect’ when lyrics and song come together – via a good/great singer.

3 Use song lyrics (and photographs/photography) in ‘reminiscence work’ with senior citizens and multi-generational work.

4 Explore why each generation gets attached to and is defined by (?) the songs that are popular.

5 what are the down-sides of music in films? What part does music play in ‘Hollywood’ type movies?

6 Watch some key/favourite/ important sections of films with and without the music sound-track – what’s the difference and what’s going on?

7 Cows are said to like music – why. If its true and what is known about music in the work-place?

8 Get children to interview parents grand-parents about key music in relation to key events in their lives.

9 Get children to develop a set of images in relations to a particular song that is important to them e.g. Strange Fruit


Every time we say good bye (Cole Porter)

We love each other so deeply
that I ask you this, sweetheart,
why should we quarrel ever,
why can’t we be enough clever,
never to part.
Ev’ry time we say goodbye
I die a little,
ev’ry time we say goodbye
I wonder why a little,
why the gods above me
who must be in the know
think so little of me
they allow you to go.
When you’re near
there’s such an air
of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere
begin to sing about it,
there’s no love song finer,
but how strange the change
from major to minor…
ev’ry time we say goodbye.
Ev’ry time we say goodbye
I die a little,
ev’ry time we say goodbye
I wonder why a little,
why the gods above me
who must be in the know
think so little of me
they allow you to go.
When you’re near
there’s such an air
of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere
begin to sing about it,
there’s no love song finer,
but how strange the change
from major to minor…
ev’ry time we say goodbye.
Ev’ry single time
we say goodbye


Miss Otis Regrets
“Oh, hi! A-heh heh! Is Miss Otis in?”
“Miss Otis regrets she’s unable to lunch today.”

Miss Otis regrets she’s unable to lunch today, madam.
Miss Otis regrets she’s unable to lunch today, mmmmmm.
And she’s sorry to be delayed,
but last evening down at lover’s lane
she strayed, madam.
Miss Otis regrets she’s unable to lunch today.

When she woke up and found
that her dream of love was gone, madam,
she ran to the man
who had lead her so far astray.
And from under her velvet gown
she drew a gun and shot her lover down, madam.
Miss Otis regrets she’s unable to lunch today.

When the mob came and got her
and dragged her from the jail, madam,
they strung her up
on the willow across the way.
And the moment before she died
she lifted up her lovely head and cried, madam.
Miss Otis regrets she’s unable to lunch.
Miss Otis regrets she’s unable to lunch today.


Strange Fruit

Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.


All the things You Are

You are the promised breath of springtime
That makes the lonely winter seem long
You are the breathless hush of evening
That trembles on the brink of a lovely song
You are the angel glow that lights the stars
The dearest thing I know are what you are
Someday my happy arms will hold you
And some day I’ll know that moment divine
When all the things you are, are mine



There is a very funny (and strangely moving) version of All the Things You Are by Peter Sellers – you can hear a bit HERE


Of course neither have the lyric and romantic charm and transcendental sweetness of Cummin Thru Ya Fuckin Block;


Author/Artist/Singer: Artifacts
Music Title/Track: Cummin Thru Ya Fuckin Block
Theme ID: 31545


featuring RedmanTo the beat y’all
*rat-a-tat drumming sound*
[all] Make it funky (4X)
[Red] My nigga Tame [all] makes it funky
[Red] My nigga El [all] makes it funky
[Red] Redman [all] makes it funky
[Red] Huh, check it out
Verse One: El Da SensaiI Ego Trip like Ultramag, sag my Girbauds I drag
competition so listen and raise the white flag
Cause the instructor, of the New Jerz verse dusts
another motherfucker I discover what no other brother
can do, hard to handle and to, stamp
I play Tramp like Grace Jones in that movie Vamp
I’m fit to wreck shit, I dip into the skit
Spit lyrics exquisite, blitted as I hit it
I suppose I knows the ways of the pros
Bros be like, “Oh that nigga’s got mad flows”
Creep’ll get it deep, I got it when it’s strict against
ducks who suck, and didn’t have the best defense
I make shit nice, defies with my device
And if I’m in a rap fight, you can catch a cap, right
Bust it, whassup what did ya ask me?
Crafty with my sassafrass P-Funk, thought been handy
Dandy Mayor Ave., back in the lab create my trap
Dibble dabble in the midst of the Artifact we have
swiftness, I blitz, specific and you dig it
from N.J., the Notty Headed Terror and da Sensai
Chorus: Artifacts, Redman

Pump! Pump! We’re lickin off the mad shots
[Red] It’s the Artifacts and Redman cummin thru ya fuckin block
(repeat 3X)
Pump! Pump! We’re lickin off the mad shots
[Red] It’s the Artifacts and Redman cummin thru ya fuckin!!

Verse Two: Tame One

Well I come live from the Artifact exhibit as a misfit
Larger than Jurassic Park I lick off like Wilson Pickett
Drama like a talk show I hit more cheese than nacho
Feelin Machu when I Pi on; a Coltrane like Roscoe
Hostile underground fossil, nigga bout to rock ya
So peep it how I freak it check the technique yeah I rock ya
I glide like drips and blaze a trail like I was Portland
When ill stressed, I still rock a vest like Ed Norton
The ill king, taking all things cash, crash, and asses
Backstage passes, V.I.P. all access
I got the props pon cock, fuck the know-nots
Whose techniques are weaker than the graphics for the Gobots
I rock with raw steel like Sue Richards, when Rick smacks her
Up motherfuck that I got more funk than muskrats
With my hocus pocus I can fuck up where ya focus
wit my left hook, dip right jab shuffle I can smoke ya
it don’t matter, cause all my shit is fatter than the
pads on MPC-60’s, hit me you got five second to jet G
Straight from the Bricks, now back to the N.J.
The Notty Headed Nigga and da motherfuckin Sensai

[Red] Hoooaaaahhh! One two, one two, one two
This is for Jersey, haha ahh, ah hah
One two, one two

Verse Three: Tame One, MC El

I’m the black king, quick to grease my naps with Royal Crown
and aloe vera representin for the Notty Headed nigga era
However whatever my Posse Packs the Pistols
and my Skwad got the Boom, rid the room, get the bitches

The exact Artifact, who is that, you speak of
Leak my speakers, unique and freakin beats track in fact
I be dat, nigga who you look for, in your worst fears
Peace to my nigga Lord Sear and Samere
Display, niggaz from N.J.
Notty Headed Terror and da motherfuckin Sensai

Outro: Artifacts, Redman

Pump! Pump! We’re lickin off the mad shots
[Red] It’s that Notty Headed Nigga cummin thru ya fuckin block
Pump! Pump! We’re lickin off the mad shots
[Red] It’s the Artifacts and Redman cummin thru ya fuckin block
Pump! Pump! We’re lickin off the mad shots
[Red] Big up to Boom Skwad’s cummin thru ya fuckin block
Pump! Pump! We’re lickin off the mad shots
[Red] It’s the Artifacts and Redman cummin thru ya fuckin block
Pump! Pump!
[Red] Booyaka
Pump! Pump! (6X)
[Red] For nine-fo’
Pump! Pump!
[Red] Artifacts get dapped like that y’all
*sound of rat-a-tat drumming again*
[Red] Jersey’s in the fuckin house y’all
New York’s live in the house y’all
Newark is live in the house y’all
E-O’s live in the house y’all
Word is bond in the hizouse y’all
I’m in the motherfuckin hizouse y’all
So niggaz get the fuckin balls y’all





Question: If ‘sewage’ is the spiritual food of choice how precisely did we fail to develop the appetite for the sublime?


In parenting we go from almost total control to indirect influence. Intrinsic worth, value, meaning, taste, discrimination are the kinds of qualities most of us hope our children acquire. In this process we have to stay conscious of the fact that if we don’t have (a reasonable degree of) control over our children’s environment someone far less benign will be manipulating them.