Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi – ‘Journeying as Unveiling ‘ Stephen Hirtenstein Part 1

‘Journeying as Unveiling ‘ Stephen Hirtenstein Part 1 – Part 2 and other videos follow on.

Given at the symposium in Murcia 2014 ‘Ibn Arabi and the Secrets of Journeying’ at the start of the ‘In the footsteps of the Master…’ tour of Andalusia organised by Anqa Books and MIAS Latina

Stephen Hirtenstein’s introductory book is HERE.  His other books are HERE

The Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society at Oxford is HERE


TAGS: mystic, mysticism, journey, life journey, spiritual journey, inter-spiritual,

CATEGORIES: ‘Journeying as Unveiling ‘, Stephen Hirtenstein, Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi,

NB I came across this;

Quotation begins

Two Very Different Scholars – Ibn Arabi and Ibn al-Arabi

QUESTION: I am confused about the scholar Ibn ul Arabi. I read many scholars declaring him to be an unbeliever or heretic. Then I see these same scholars – and other equally prominent scholars of the same caliber – quoting liberally from his works without hesitation. What is going on?

ANSWER FROM – the Fatwa Department Research Committee – chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî

Please know that there are two scholars – both of whom are Spanish – whom people often confuse with one another.

One of these is Muhyî al-Dîn Ibn `Arabî (1165-1240 CE), the controversial mystic philosopher who was born in Murcia, Spain and died in Damascus Syria. He was declared a heretic by some scholars, especially on account of his advocating the doctrine of wahdah al-wujûd.

The doctrine of wahdah al-wujûd (unity of existence) is essentially the belief that only Allah truly exists. However, there are as many understandings of this concept as there are subscribers to it. One understanding of this doctrine is commonly expressed as the idea that “Allah is everywhere”. This statement, taken literally, is patent disbelief.

Other scholars have tried to interpret Ibn `Arabî’s statements and teachings so as not to declare him a heretic.

His most important works are al-Futûhât al-Makkiyyah and Fusus al-Hikam. It is generally recommended for lay people to avoid his works. Regardless of how one may wish to interpret Ibn `Arabî’s teachings, the overt meanings of many of his statements are inarguably heretical.

The other scholar is the equally prominent Abû Bakr Ibn al-`Arabî (died 1148 CE), a highly orthodox, Spanish Mâlikî jurist.

He is the author of some very important legal commentaries, including Ahkâm al-Qur’ân, as well as a commentary on the Muwatta’ entitled al-Qabas, and a commentary on Sunan al-Tirmidhîentitled `Aridah al-Ahwadhî. He also wrote the historical work al-Qawâsim min al-`Awâsim.

These works of his are highly recommended.

And Allah knows best. – SOURCE

Quotation ends

The flash of insight


A lightning flash:

between the forest trees

I have seen water.

Shiki Masaoka – (1867-1902)



“All spiritual teachings are about one thing – what it is to be fully and positively human – in the world, with others.

This we do in relation to that Whole – out of which we each are an infinitesimally small, temporary, wave-form.

We live in order to awake to that mysterious Whole, overcome ego and learn to serve better – ‘Awake; De-egotise; Serve’  – That’s it!   But we need to start somewhere.  And simplicity is better than complexity.

We can (re)start right now with Thích Nhất Hạnh Zen Buddhist master’s teaching on mindfulness; ‘Smile: Breathe and Go slowly/consciously’ – try it!  Instant success is built in from the first smile.  Its’ irresistible!

The rest is a matter of cultural clothing & historical accident of birth.  

True religion helps, false religion hinders –  in getting the realizations needed.” – RP


Share your questions or insights on these or any other issues via ‘comments’

Namaste – Roger

Dr Roger Prentice

PS The secret of life it seems to me is in the haiku above.
