Why does Britain sexualize its young?” asks Ian Dunt on politics.co.uk

Ian Dunt starts his article thus;

British primary school children are becoming increasingly sexualised, while our over-emotional response to paedophilia grows by the day. When did we get so confused? By Ian Dunt

Ofsted issued a warning today about the level of sexualisation among primary school children. It found recently suspended pupils as young as four were guilty of touching other children inappropriately and using sexually graphic language.

The watchdog’s concerns are entirely justified, but there is a certain irony to the fact they were reported on the same day Rebecca Wade was promoted to the head of News International from her former position as editor of the Sun. Wade’s career hit its first political storm in 2001, when, as editor of the News of the World, she named and shamed convicted paedophiles, resulting in mob attacks and the hospitalisation of a paediatrician. The chief constable of Gloucestershire called it “grossly irresponsible journalism” – which is exactly what it was – but she earned herself 95,000 new readers a week.

These twin stories highlight something malign and twisted in our relationship with children. Wade’s decision to publish the list of paedophiles is a product of something I have written about before – our cultural habit of treating childhood as an unrealistically innocent and angelic time. This sentiment leads us to adopt a borderline psychotic approach to the problem of paedophilia.

MY COMMENT Because it is immature both in relation to sexuality and to the needs of children and because we allow newspapers to titillate endlessly instead of dealing with issues seriously.

Posted via web from sunwalking’s posterous

Are Murdoch’s London Times and the Sun doomed?

In the Daily Telegraph they are not certain about Damien Hirst’s latest.



However pigs might be flying elsewhere. Rupert Murdoch has announced that News Corporation’s newspaper websites will begin charging. Ā Jemma Williams has an excellent article in the Guardian that suggests that if he does his readers will simply get their news from elsewhere.

Will this be the beginning of the end for media moguls?

Read her article HERE

Does the US have a better quality of democracy than the UK? – this looks pretty vigorous on the part of the media

ClickĀ  HERE

I guess the proof will be in how far they are prepared to bring senior people to book – instead of just jailing fall-guys from the lower ranks?

Andrew Marr: Chomsky, the Media and Western political control

We have a free media – right? Ā  We don’t have any kind of George Orwell 1984 thought police – right? Ā 

Take a look at this interview from a few years ago and ask again. Ā Perhaps things have just got more subtle?

These clips are from an interview by the brilliant Andrew Marr when still a ‘wee lad’. Ā Now of course the center piece of his work is as the presenter of AM – the BBC’s Sunday morningĀ Andrew Marr show. Ā It’s good – but Andrew on our behalf please don’t forget to produce stuff like you used to – programmes that dig more widely and more deeply.

Part 2;

Part 3;

Entering the world of Tinnitus – Channel 4’s ‘Shooting Party’

The UK’s Channel4 had 9 finalists in their 2008 Shooting Party short film competition.

Zoe Cartwright an art student, won with her film – – about her experience of tinnitus.

Watch all of the films HERE


A new series following the stories of nine disabled directors making short films for Channel 4. Sundays from April 13th on Channel 4.

Watch online

You can now watch Shabaaz Mohammed’s short film Underground, which aired on Sunday 22nd June, alongside all the other 8 films.

Meet the team

jordan hogg, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers zoe cartwright, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers matt reed, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers
Jordan Zoe Matt
nikki fox, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers andrew bogle, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers phil parker, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers
Nikki Andrew Phil
sam dore, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers maddie kitchen, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers shabaaz mohammed, part of the shooting party - a crack team of aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers
Sam Maddie Shabaaz

What’s it about?

The Shooting Party is a radical and imaginative new series which brings together nine aspiring deaf and disabled film-makers in a collective to direct their own short films, and support each other through the process. Over a twelve week run, The Shooting Party follows the film-makers from pitching their ideas to a commissioning panel, through setting up, shooting and editing their films, to the final screening at BAFTA in front of an audience of industry professionals. One of the nine film-makers will win the Shooting Party Best Short Film Award, leading to further training and a commission from Channel 4.

Read more about the the Shooting Party process.

Visit 4Talent for more information on all Channel 4’s talent development schemes, including the new Diversity Production Training scheme.

Watch all of the films HERE


SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE

Trevor Pateman – 60 essays, mainly philosophy and the media

You can find an interesting range of essays – some 60 or so – a lifetime’s academic work – by Trevor Pateman by clicking HERE

Selected Works. Portrait (ca. 1990) by Robin Morris. Oil on canvas, 55 x 44cm (detail)

Trevor says:

This site publishes my lifetime’s academic work. Click on any of the Sections to access around sixty individual essays. New material is added to the site at approximately monthly intervals.

Anything may be downloaded for personal use. When listing my work in a bibliography, please give the place of publication as: http://www.selectedworks.co.uk.

I hope you enjoy what you read

Trevor Pateman

Art, Aesthetics, Criticism
Creative Writing – Theoretical issues
Language, Linguistics
Media Studies
Philosophy, general
Pragmatics, Semiotics, Critical Linguistics
Psychoanalysis, Pedagogy
Social and Political Theory


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the

PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success