Are Murdoch’s London Times and the Sun doomed?

In the Daily Telegraph they are not certain about Damien Hirst’s latest.



However pigs might be flying elsewhere. Rupert Murdoch has announced that News Corporation’s newspaper websites will begin charging.  Jemma Williams has an excellent article in the Guardian that suggests that if he does his readers will simply get their news from elsewhere.

Will this be the beginning of the end for media moguls?

Read her article HERE

The Power of the Blog see ‘The Times Top 50 business blogs’

The 50 best business blogs
According to Rhys Blakely, who compiled the Times Top 50 Business blogs, some of the biggest corporations have been forced to review company policy after campaigns by bloggers.  He says,

Internet blogs are taking on big corporations and winning. As the bloggerati continue to set the agenda Times Online provides the first full list of the 50 top blogs, corporate and anti-corporate alike.

I found the list via No 36, because its writer Annie Mole was on BBC2’s Working Lunch.  Her blog is;

36. Going Underground

The full list is HERE