Overtone Music and its Network

Where would you go for your didgeridoo? Well Jonathon Cope plays, teachers and sells the didge for a living as part of his interest in overtone and other more unusual music.

What is overtone music?

Try the Wikipedia article if you want heavy-duty information but ……

According to the Overtone Music Network (an open public social network for music which contains elements of instruments with a high content of overtones like a didgeridoo, gong, jew’s harp, singing-bowl, tambura or other instruments and as well overtone, harmonic or throat singing.)

What are Overtones?

In most cases where a sound is created by natural means (such as a musical instrument or the human voice), a number of higher tones is produced in addition to the fundamental pitch. These higher tones are called overtones, partial tones, or harmonics. The sequence of these tones is called the overtone series, harmonic sequence, or sequence of natural tones. The combination of the fundamental and the overtones is the frequency spectrum of a tone.

The Logo ૐ

The logo of Overtone Music Network is ૐ – OM – an ancient syllable from india which means: »Space will be open« or »Space, open!«. You can find it at the beginning of many Hindu texts as a holy exclamation to be called out at the start and the end of a reading of the Vedas or originally to any prayer or mantra. OM is an expression for the philosophy that every human being is it’s own cosmos. Cosmos means that the universe is regarded as a well-ordered, harmonious whole in your heart and mind, also expressed in your own overtone and harmonic singing and chanting.



You can also by CDs and other stuff from Jonathon

Through his site you can even listen to DidgHead radio! (Go to the It’s part of live 365.com

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