The Credit Crunch and Managing Motivation


The Credit Crunch and Managing Motivation: goal-set to motivate your success through ‘singing’ your ‘uni-verse’

In my work as a life-coach I energize people to get from where they are at, to where they want to be.

Getting in tune with your self and your life’s purpose is central to such achievement and success.  Getting in tune with you self and your life’s purpose is a matter of harmonization.

Chinese wisdom places great emphasis on harmony.  Inner and outer harmony are both important.

Outer harmony depends on inner harmony.

Inner harmony depends on being, doing and having in relation to our life purpose – i.e. getting alignment.

We need to get alignment between head and heart, and between the activities of our inner and outer lives. Then we get ‘flow’ – when we are able to function in energized harmony – like an athlete ‘in the zone’. Episodes of silence are vital.

If we are in a situation we don’t see as getting us toward our dream then ‘see it differently’ – that is see it as a stepping stone, as opposed to a mill-stone!

Decide on your life’s purpose – don’t worry it will evolve via experience – and further reflection.

Just DECIDE and START!   (‘Ready. Fire. Aim!)

Set your goals – and work your goals day by day.  How? – here’s one way great way.

For every day draw 4 circles.
1st circle =   My Lifelong Dream,
2nd circle  = My Year,
3rd circle  =  My month,
4th circle =   My day.

Keep the 4 circles of your personal universe in harmony via working to your daily goal-setting.

The ‘universe’ as Wayne Dyer reminds us means ‘one song’.

Live your life singing your single, harmonised, song and you will succeed.

Harmony here is what enables us to be focused, and motivated.

Plan and work every day to achieve toward your monthly goals – etc.

Periodically adjust them all according to each other, so you have the motivation of always operating in a single, harmonized universe.

Keep the dream sharply visualized.

Don’t be afraid of adjustments – think of life as a ship’s journey – course corrections are inevitable and necessary.

Occasionally remind yourself of these two quotations;

1 “If you don’t think about the future, you won’t have one.” Henry Ford

2 “The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.”  – Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke’s statement takes us even deeper by telling us that we create our future by what we are.  The current master of ‘being’ is Eckhart Tolle.

Have fun singing your song.  Keep the dream – even if a ‘credit crunch’ means you have to do stuff that is a temporary delay.

Sometimes just surviving is the biggest step you can make that particular day – but that day in the future will be seen as being just as important – because you didn’t give up!


NB This article was inspired by Steve Chandler’s brilliant ‘100 Ways to Motivate Yourself’, one of my Top 10 Personal Development texts.


The challenge of parenting brings out our weak points as well as our strengths!

I don't give him much chance in resisting her winning ways!
I don't give him much of a chance in resisting that cheeky face!

In addition to personal and professional development for all this site is for three groups in particular; managers, teachers – and parents.

Many of the  1000+ themes on this site are relevant to you as a parent or a ‘parent-to-be’ – or to your personal or professional development.

In brief the model here – my SunWALK PDS (People Development System) sees parenting as maximizing the energy that flows through each of those you parent – and through the family as a whole, with each having a range of rights and responsibilities that help maximise the flow of the life-force.

The parent’s job is to nurture growth and development through keeping that flow of energy maximised – within a context of unconditional love and appropriate discipline.

That means paying attention to the needs of the individual as well as to the family as a whole.

Your parenting is as good as your self-parenting and that is as good as the personal development you’ve achieved – including transforming any negative created by imperfections in the parenting you received.

The good news is that on this site are ideas that you can put to work straight away.

More to come soon – why not use the SEARCH button or the Categories/Index.

ParentlinePlus – one major source of help for parents in the UK

One major source of help for parents in the UK is HERE


SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE