Oskrivna Linje – a fine young photographer

The work of Oskrivna Linjer is a cut above most that’s on Flickr.  Of course such images as this



remind me of such images as this;


To see his work on Flickr go HERE

What is our Dual Allegiance?

I had the temerity to put two of my photographs with a sublime piece of writing by A J Heschel:

The search for reason ends at the shore of the known;
on the immense expanse beyond it
only the sense of the ineffable can glide.
It alone knows the route to that
which is remote from experience and understanding.

Neither is amphibious:
reason cannot go beyond the shore,
and the sense of the ineffable
is out of place where we measure, where we weigh…….

Click separatelyreflection-water-sky-rock.jpgtime-clock-railway-station.jpg to enlarge…

Citizens of two realms, we must all sustain dual allegiance:

we sense the ineffable in one realm;
we name and exploit reality in another.

Between the two we set up a system of references,
but can never fill the gap.
They are as far and as close to each other as time and calendar, as violin and melody,
as life and what lies beyond the last breath.

The tangible phenomena we scrutinize with our reason,
The sacred and indemonstrable we overhear with the sense of the ineffable.

Heschel A. J. (1971), Man is Not Alone, New York: Octagon Books p.8

What is a photograph? What is photography? Some suggestions

Take your most thrilling photograph ( taken by you or by someone else ) and ask, “Is it……..?”

A way of not looking at the world

A framework for searching

A reminder of meditation, silence and stillness

A record of resonance

A creation of resonance

A vain attempt to be King Canute

Self flagellation

Sensual titillation – between is and is not

An attempt to look at looking

A scratching of the itch to tidy up

A prayer for transcendence

A quest to float in self-less harmony

A search for Self

A way-station in the telling of your story

A blink of death

A way of looking at the world











A re-presentation of reality

A breath visualized

A stuck moment

A freed moment

A heart beat-en

Infinity squeezed

An eternally searching for the eternal

A frozen exhalation


Is and is-not holding hands

Rapture ruptured

A metaphor machine

A path to follow – inward

Plato’s cave

Living death or death living

Formalized longing

Memory shadows

Your soul’s timbre

A visual hiccup in the flow of consciousness

An invitation to shift consciousness

If not what is a photograph, what is photography?


What is photography? “It is preserving of commonly perceived appearance achieved with the use of physical, chemical and mechanical processes, as the result of which we receive a plane covered with color spots, ordered in a certain way. The ordering of these spots causes an illusion of perceiving by a viewer three-dimensional objects in space(…)” – Alfred Ligocki – [translation cited in “Archeologia fotografii” (“Archeology of photography”) by Jerzy Lewczynski, Wydawnictwo KROPKA, Wrzesnia 2005, p. 53  (PhotoQuotes)

Nah – it ain’t that………………………………!