Look – Beyond Clouds Blue Sky

Rupert Spira says;

Unhappiness is not the opposite of happiness

Happiness is not the opposite of unhappiness, any more than the blue sky is the opposite of the clouds. Just as the clouds are the veiling of the blue sky, so unhappiness is the veiling of happiness.

Rupert Spira, in his book Being Aware of Being Aware


It’s a big day when you realize I = Awareness


It’s a Big Day when you realize I = Awareness

“You are primal awareness. Life is only primal awareness. Between two thoughts or two perceptions you are. You know moments in your life when a thought completely disappears into silence, but still you are.” (The Ease of Being, 13) – http://www.nonduality.com/klein.htm

Jean Klein was Francis Lucille’s teacher who was Rupert Spira‘s teacher.

Compare to Professor Deikman’s article ‘I = Awareness’ which is HEREĀ 

Arthur J. Deikman, 1 Department of Psychiatry, University of California.

‘What is awareness?’ – Rupert Spira’s contemporary.

Within the One Garden model of ‘interfaith as inter-spiritual living’ we see the core teachings of the world’s great traditions very simply as; Awaken more, Detach from ego more, and Serve others better. Awaken is the realization of awareness Ono excellent contemporary spiritual teacher is Rupert Spira. In this video he answers the question; “What is awareness?’

Meditation: Truth, Love and Beauty Reside at the Source of Experience – Rupert Spira

Please watch this video for this week’s session;

Rupert’s sites are: http://www.rupertspira.com / http://www.sajahapublications.com