Update of ‘The Tree of Contemplative Practices’ – 30+ ways to meditate

Click HERE to read the full article at The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society

The Tree of Contemplative Practices

The Tree illustrates some of the contemplative practices currently in use in secular organizational and academic settings. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list. Below the Tree you will find links to descriptions of many of these practices as well as a more in-depth description of the Tree and image files for downloading.

We hope to soon offer more information and resources on all of the practices listed on the Tree. Thank you for your patience!

The Tree of Contemplative Practices

© The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
Concept & design by Maia Duerr; illustration by Carrie Bergman

Understanding the Tree

On the Tree of Contemplative Practices, the roots symbolize the two intentions that are the foundation of all contemplative practices: cultivating awareness and developing a stronger connection to God, the divine, or inner wisdom. The roots of the tree encompass and transcend differences in the religious traditions from which many of the practices originated, and allow room for the inclusion of new practices that are being created in secular contexts.

The branches represent the different groupings of practices. For example, Stillness Practices focus on quieting the mind and body in order to develop calmness and focus. Generative Practices come in many different forms (i.e. prayers, visualizations, chanting) but share the common intent of generating thoughts and feelings of devotion and compassion, rather than calming and quieting the mind. Please note that these classifications are not definitive. For example, mantra repetition may be considered a Stillness Practice rather than a Generative one.

Any activities not included on this Tree (including those which may seem more mundane, such as gardening, eating, or taking a bath) are a contemplative practice when done with the intent of cultivating awareness, or developing a stronger connection with God or one’s inner wisdom. We offer a free download of a blank Tree so that you can customize it and include your own practices.



New Group ‘Wisdom Questions’, St Augustine and Perennial Philosopy




Wisdom Questions


“Wisdom is the faculty of making the use of knowledge, a combination of discernment, judgement, sagacity and similar powers. If knowledge is the accumulation of facts and intelligence the development of reason, wisdom is emotional and spiritual discernment. More than knowledge, it is the right application of knowledge in moral and spiritual matters, in handling dilemmas, in negotiating complex relationships. Wisdom is nine-tenths a matter of being wise in time. Most of us are often too wise after the event! It is insight into the heart of the matter.” Wise people see beyond the facts and figures. They avoid problems before they occur. Wisdom is gained through experience, patience and listening.       Definition by Evan Owens CEO of CentreSource – HERE

Some questions to ‘kick-off’


Does anyone want to make out a case for the wisdom of woman being different to, or the same as, the wisdom of men?


Is science the only method for connecting to reality?


Do the great wisdom traditions really teach the same about what it is to be wholly & fully human – in the world with others – in relation to the mysterious Whole?


Are the arts a means to reality – or just self indulgence?


If we base the education of our children on whole-person leaning might they contribute toward a better world?


Do we agree with Evan Owens in his definition (see above) ?



Are (some) children wiser than many experienced adults – if yes why & how is this?


Some friends and I are starting a new group – both locally in Brighton and online.  Online details below.


The suggested group title is a play on a) the wisdom we have (should) question – ourselves, our world and reality – AND we can have fun, enjoyment and learning in framing questions to ask of ‘our accumulated, or realized, wisdom’!




Here is an ancient poetic summation of the state of being human, and implicitly of The Perennial Philosophy –  from the Bhagavad Gita;


“Like two birds of golden plumage, inseparable companions, the

individual self and the immortal Self are perched on the branches of the

self same tree. The former tastes of the sweet and bitter fruits of the

tree; the latter, tasting of neither, calmly observes.


“The individual self, deluded by forgetfulness of his identity with the

divine Self, bewildered by his ego, grieves and is sad. But when he

recognizes the worshipful Lord as his own true Self, and beholds his

glory, he grieves no more.”


This so beautifully describes …. well what do you think?


Stunningly just yesterday I discovered that St Augustine wrote……….


The fact, which is now called the Christian Religion,” he boldly says, with the earlier Apologists, “existed among the ancients, and was never lacking from the origin of the human race.”  –

C C Martindale SJ –  SOURCE



Those who want to dig deeper can compare the above two quotations with the contemporary re-presentation of Perennial Philosophy in Aldous Huxley’s The Perennial Philosophy or Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now or Stillness Speaks – or Ken Wilber or Karen Armstrong, or Wayne Teasdale, or Thich Nhat Hanh, or Thomas Merton or Shaikh Helminski etc. – each I suugest speaks in different language and cultural clothing but teach the same message?



This is St Augustine not me! –  Lol



Picture source and helpful list of facts on Augustine & Aquinas by Jeffrey Hays – HERE



The ‘Wisdom Questions group ON-LINE


My contributions to this group’s interests will go to my general blog – https://sunwalked.wordpress.com/ – along with my other core projects


1 whole-person learning,
2 photographic art,
3 social justice,
4 inter-spirituality
5 transforming IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis into something life-enhancing


i.e. https://sunwalked.wordpress.com/ is a metablog of all my blogs


however the dedicated site for Wisdom Questions and inter-spirituality is – http://universalistspirit.wordpress.com/ – you can comment on or add ‘gems’ to either or both!



All good wishes









What changes do YOU want to see in UK politics – tell us!

Like many fellow-citizens right now, May 2009, I am very angry about the state of British politics.

The expenses scandal is the symptom not the disease. Therefore – I see the current furore as the greatest opportunity in the last half-century – to get a modern political system in the UK.

The first draft of my non-party, or trans-party, political manifesto, is below. It’s addressed to fellow citizens and MPs.

PLEASE ADD YOUR VARIATIONS AS A COMMENT or as your own version of a personal manifesto.

The first item Fair Voting is the most important:

ESTABLISH FAIR VOTING – take the best from all countries that operate fair voting systems.

MAKE VOTING COMPULSORY – it will reduce wasteful and dispiriting carping – when combined with fair voting so that every vote counts. Currently we are ruled by MPs who represent only 25% of the people.

Seriously reduce TRIBAL POLITICS – get out of the strait-jacket of the tired Tory & Labour ideologies – Cameron and his lot are no real alternative to the Blair-Brown lot.

CENTRE ON ISSUES BEFORE IDEOLOGIES – MPs need to learn to group around the country’s needs and the electorate’s concerns – i.e focus on real issues rather than tribal loyalties.

ENABLE MORE INDEPENDENT MPs – more than a third should produce positive results.

ACCELERATE FAIR REPRESENTATION – of women and minorities.

DEMAND FACTS BEFORE OPINIONS – the public as well as MPs need to get the best quality, accurate info from independent sources. Stop all the spinning bull-s***.

COOPERATE MORE – more cooperation than wasteful combat for combat’s sake.

MAKE MPS REWARDS FAIR – combined with serious and continuous accountability.

INSTITUTE PRIMARIES – but only after a close examination of their benefits in other countries?

FOCUS ON SOCIAL JUSTICE AND QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL STAKE-HOLDERS – i.e stick to social justice and quality of life as pre-eminent virtues.

REDUCE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT – create best-practice, county-level, broad policies e.g. ‘You are statutorily required to provide a holistic set of services for youth in your area.’ Then keep central government out – other than to check that every county is implementing effectively a range of best practice via effective accountability.

MAXIMISE FREE VOTING and SECRET BALLOT VOTING IN PARLIAMENT – as in election of new Speaker – whipping distorts.

HABITUALLY IMPORT BEST PRACTICE FOR GOVERNMENT AS WELL AS PARLIAMENT – from Denmark, Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Germany etc.

CREATE A SIMPLE WRITTEN CONSTITUTION WITHIN 1 YEAR – Confine it to three sides of A4 – Invite everyone to write a version. Then take 10 years to refine it. Curb the lawyers.

ELIMINATE WASTE – everywhere, at all levels.

CONTINUE BEEFING UP TRANSPARENCY IN ACCOUNTABILITY – we want MPs to be transparently accountable for everything they do, not just their expenses.

EDUCATE THE PEOPLE IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION – all ages – use all media – use carrots and sticks.



The Credit Crunch, Jim Cramer and another side to Jon Stewart

Jim Cramer On “Daily Show”: another and brilliant side of Jon Stewart

The video of Jon Stewart’s interview with Jim Cramer leaves me with several thoughts;

1) The Credit Crunch as a term is a euphemism for the greatest theft in history from almost all of the world’s entire population – by a few of the most cynical, greed-filled individuals to ever exist. We should therefore drop ‘Credit Crunch’ and use another term ‘The Great Theft – or some such term.

2) When will the UK and Europe as a whole starting indicting those who have walked of with loads-a-money having destroyed countless people’s lives?

3) Why can’t their assets be taken exactly as with drug dealers – the toxicity of 35 to 1 leverage is no less poisonous to people’s lives than heroin etc.

4) Given the brilliance of Stewart’s interview should he switch full-time to investigative reporting?

Jim Cramer On “Daily Show”: Full Unedited, Uncensored Video.   NB The full video – in 3 parts – is in left-hand column.

Re Gaza: “Certitude divides and diversity unifies…..We have to elevate religion above politics…..” Amen.


“Certitude divides and diversity unifies…..We have to elevate religion above politics…..”
“Certitude divides and diversity unifies…..We have to elevate religion above politics…..” H.R.H. Prince El-Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan BBC Newsnight 9th Feb 2006. Photo source: BBC

 Juxtapositioning creates new contexts.  Words and images are one such juxtapositioning.

I have suggested that the Finnish artist photographer Silomaki has shown new ways.

The images of the suffering of the people Gaza are currently relentless, none worse than those of parents carrying dead or  injured children.

These words came to mind – those of H.R.H. Prince El-Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan on BBC Newsnight, 9th Feb 2006, “Certitude divides and diversity unifies…..We have to elevate religion above politics…..”

The image is one of a multitude. The words are rare wisdom.

When the rockets and shells fire no more how shall we live that wisdom?  

Lead us Oh God to the ways and means!

It’s a wonderful world – but Stop the Human TraffiK

It’s a current theme of my mine to daily deepen my appreciation of, and celebration of, ‘It’s a Wonderful World’ but there are some negative realities that must not be ignored – and human trafficking must be at the top of that list. The campaign’s most recent, stunning, email contains the information below – please add your weight, in whatever way you can to their most worthy of aims;

Unable to view this email? Follow this link.

STOP THE TRAFFIK campaigns on sex and chocolate.

Trafficking starts in the community and it will be stopped by the community

Book. Lecture. Film.


Have you wanted one place to go to find answers about what trafficking is, stories of those who have been trafficked, useful facts when someone asks you and you just don’t know AND actions you can take to begin to change yours and other people’s lives to bring freedom.

“STOP THE TRAFFIK People shouldn’t be bought and sold” will be published in November. A book packed with story, facts and action to inspire community action and Traffik Free choices.


TOP.STOP THE TRAFFIK is launching its first INTERNATIONAL lecture given by Cherie Blair on 27 November at a LONDON VENUE.

This is the people’s lecture.

This is a lecture for you to hear from Cherie Blair, an internationally acclaimed human rights lawyer and from Steve Chalke Chairman STOP THE TRAFFIK and UN Special Advisor for Community Action Against Human Trafficking.

We hope to have the lecture available on the website after the event for everyone to read or listen to.

If you would like to attend the lecture e-mail info@stopthetraffik.org to be added to the invite list.


STOP THE TRAFFIK film.Featured Interviews, ground breaking footage of an international good news story. Out soon on the website

The latest STOP THE TRAFFIK film coming out in July will show you what STOP THE TRAFFIK has done and talk about the global movement that is building.

Who is the film for?

It’s an update for those who are part of STOP THE TRAFFIK and explores what we have got to do together.

It’s to show people who have never heard about trafficking and inspire them to join.

For use in schools, community groups, on blogs and websites. It is the best introduction to our global campaign.

We are in a position now to make a bigger impact than ever, but to take up that opportunity we need financial support. Please donate to STOP THE TRAFFIK, your contribution will make all the difference.

Trafficking begins in the community and it will be stopped by the community

The book, film and lecture are resources to inspire community action. We believe that when people act things change.

Thank you for being part of STOP THE TRAFFIK

STOP THE TRAFFIK Coordinating Team
Enquiries: info@stopthetraffik.org
1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP
+44 (0)20 7921 4258

Should you wish to unsubscribe, please follow this link.

You can STOP THE TRAFFIK by signing our delcaration


HERE is the campaign’s site


All postings to this site relate to the central model in the

PhD. Summaries are HERE

SEE also Learning Motivation for Success