Fundamentalism and women

I was pleased to see that the useful list of references in the WikiPedia article on Fundamentalism includes a link to a UK organization called Women Against Fundamentalism.  Let us hope they have more and more success – – and get to nurture sister organizations globally.


high court victory photo

WAF members join SBS and supporters in celebrating Southall Black Sisters’ legal victory in the High Court. Read more at the SBS website.

Women Against Fundamentalism is currently focusing its campaigning on:

  • the role of religion in the British education system today
  • the British Government’s community cohesion and faith agendas

If you would like more information, please send an email to: (replace AT with @)


Women Against Fundamentalism (WAF) was formed in 1989 to challenge the rise of fundamentalism in all religions. Its members include women from a wide range of backgrounds and from across the world.

By fundamentalism we mean a modern political movement which is using religion to gain or consolidate power. We do not mean religious observance, which we see as a matter of individual choice.


Fundamentalism is found in all religions throughout the world, sometimes holding state power, sometimes in opposition to it. But whatever their relationship to the state, all fundamentalists see women’s role as crucial in representing and transmitting the supposedly unchanging morals and traditions of the whole community.

Women who fail to conform to so-called traditional family values are portrayed as placing the wellbeing and future of the whole society or community at risk. The control of women’s minds and bodies is, therefore, at the heart of fundamentalist agendas everywhere.

To go to their site click HERE