Either we see it – or we just don’t ged…

Either we see it – or we just don’t geddit!



Often I feel that I can see too many connections.

Consequently every now and then I get around to re-focusing on what really is most important to me – I try and sort the most important from the important.

Successful people seem to have been focused during the time that they were becoming successful – but I suspect that there were earlier stages.

I suspect that before they have the ability ‘stay focused’ they have  to become focused, and there must have been a pre-condition to becoming focused.

The pre-condition is the possession of such qualities as the desire to move forward and the confidence that things will come into focus, and a sense of purpose will announce.  We can make our sense of purpose concrete as a visualization.  With a visualization we can see with purpose and have purpose in our seeing.

Of course many of us have a nagging voice of self-doubt – from which we have to learn to become detached.  With or without the help of others we have to integrate within the whole that is us the source and the messages of that nagging negativity.

As with the ‘magic eye’ pictures it is a matter of relaxing – until things come into focus.

As an inspiration here is a quotation from a spiritual source;

So long as the thoughts of an individual are scattered he will achieve no results, but if his thinking be concentrated   on a single point wonderful will be the fruits thereof.

One cannot obtain the full force of the sunlight when it is cast on a flat mirror, but once the sun shineth upon a concave mirror, or on a lens that is convex, all its heat will be concentrated on a single point, and that one point will burn the hottest. Thus is it necessary to focus one’s thinking on a single point so that it will become an effective force.

Abdu’l-Baha – http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/ab/SAB/sab-74.html

Another nice piece of artwork on the theme of focus;




Set your goals to motivate your success – through ‘singing’ your ‘uni-verse’


In my work as a life-coach I lead people to develop and focus their life-force so that they can get from where they are at, to where they want to be.

Getting in tune with your self and your life’s purpose is central to such achievement and success.

Getting in tune with you self and your life’s purpose is a matter of harmonization – of vision, goals, plans and action  and of head, heart and circumstances.

To ‘sing one’s song’ is a metaphor for finding and staying tuned with your life’s purpose.

Harmonization is also a matter of getting in touch with our inner wisdom.  Chinese wisdom places great emphasis on harmony.  Inner and outer harmony are both important.

Outer harmony depends on inner harmony.
Inner harmony depends on being, doing and having in relation to our life purpose – i.e. getting alignment.

We need to get alignment between head and heart, and between the activities of our inner and outer lives. Then we get ‘flow’ – when we are able to function in energized harmony – like an athlete ‘in the zone’.

Episodes of silence are vital.

If we are in a situation we don’t see as getting us toward our dream then ‘see it differently’ – that is see it as a stepping stone, as opposed to a mill-stone!

Decide on your life’s purpose – don’t worry it will evolve via experience – and further reflection.

Locating, tuning and singing your ‘song’ also requires a sufficiency of silence and experiences of living in the now – see my Eckhart Tolle articles and better still read and listen to Eckhart Tolle.

Just DECIDE and START!   (‘Ready. Fire. Aim!)

Set your goals – and work your goals day by day.  How? – here’s one way great way.

For every day draw 4 circles.

1st circle =   My Lifelong Dream,

2nd circle  = My Year,

3rd circle  =  My month,

4th circle =   My day.

Keep the 4 circles of your personal universe in harmony via working to your daily goal-setting.

The ‘universe’ as Wayne Dyer reminds us means ‘one song’.

Live your life singing your single, harmonised, song and you will succeed.

Harmony here is what enables us to be focused, and motivated.

Plan and work every day to achieve toward your monthly goals – etc.

Periodically adjust them all according to each other, so you have the motivation of always operating in a single, harmonized universe.

Keep the dream sharply visualized.

Don’t be afraid of adjustments – think of life as a ship’s journey – course corrections are inevitable and necessary.

Occasionally remind yourself of these two quotations;

1 “If you don’t think about the future, you won’t have one.” Henry Ford

2 “The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke’s statement takes us even deeper by telling us that we create our future by what we are.

Balance doing, knowing and having with being.  The current master of ‘being’ is – Eckhart Tolle.

If you don’t plan your journey don’t be surprised if you end up somewhere you don’t want to be!

Have fun singing your song – literally as well as metaphorically.

Keep the dream – even if a ‘credit crunch’ means you have to do stuff that is a temporary delay.

Sometimes just surviving is the biggest step you can make that particular day – but that day in the future will be seen as being just as important – because you didn’t give up!

Survival is sometimes progress.

Sometimes survival is the best singing of your song possible on that particular day.  It’s still worth celebrating – you can’t sing at your own wake!


I once used What’ll we do with a drunken sailor as a class song but be careful, a full rendition of all verses would remove all desire to go on living!  Others might be shocked as to how brutal was the British Navy of that time.

What’ll we do with a drunken sailor,
What’ll we do with a drunken sailor,
What’ll we do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-aye in the morning?

Way hay and up she rises
Patent blocks o’ diff’rent sizes,
Way hay and up she rises
Earl-aye in the morning

1. Sling him in the long boat till he’s sober,
2. Keep him there and make ‘im bale ‘er.
3. Pull out the plug and wet him all over,
4. Take ‘im and shake ‘im, try an’ wake ‘im.
5. Trice him up in a runnin’ bowline.
6. Give ‘im a taste of the bosun’s rope-end.
7. Give ‘im a dose of salt and water.
8. Stick on ‘is back a mustard plaster.
9. Shave his belly with a rusty razor.
10. Send him up the crow’s nest till he falls down,
11. Tie him to the taffrail when she’s yardarm under,
12. Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him.
13. Soak ‘im in oil till he sprouts flippers.
14. Put him in the guard room till he’s sober.
15. Put him in bed with the captain’s daughter*).
16. Take the Baby and call it Bo’sun.
17. Turn him over and drive him windward.
18. Put him in the scuffs until the horse bites on him.
19. Heave him by the leg and with a rung console him.
20. That’s what we’ll do with the drunken sailor.

You won’t believe the background to this song see WikiPedia HERE


NB This article was inspired by Steve Chandler’s brilliant ‘100 Ways to Motivate Yourself’, one of my Top 10 Personal Development texts.

The Credit Crunch and Managing Motivation


The Credit Crunch and Managing Motivation: goal-set to motivate your success through ‘singing’ your ‘uni-verse’

In my work as a life-coach I energize people to get from where they are at, to where they want to be.

Getting in tune with your self and your life’s purpose is central to such achievement and success.  Getting in tune with you self and your life’s purpose is a matter of harmonization.

Chinese wisdom places great emphasis on harmony.  Inner and outer harmony are both important.

Outer harmony depends on inner harmony.

Inner harmony depends on being, doing and having in relation to our life purpose – i.e. getting alignment.

We need to get alignment between head and heart, and between the activities of our inner and outer lives. Then we get ‘flow’ – when we are able to function in energized harmony – like an athlete ‘in the zone’. Episodes of silence are vital.

If we are in a situation we don’t see as getting us toward our dream then ‘see it differently’ – that is see it as a stepping stone, as opposed to a mill-stone!

Decide on your life’s purpose – don’t worry it will evolve via experience – and further reflection.

Just DECIDE and START!   (‘Ready. Fire. Aim!)

Set your goals – and work your goals day by day.  How? – here’s one way great way.

For every day draw 4 circles.
1st circle =   My Lifelong Dream,
2nd circle  = My Year,
3rd circle  =  My month,
4th circle =   My day.

Keep the 4 circles of your personal universe in harmony via working to your daily goal-setting.

The ‘universe’ as Wayne Dyer reminds us means ‘one song’.

Live your life singing your single, harmonised, song and you will succeed.

Harmony here is what enables us to be focused, and motivated.

Plan and work every day to achieve toward your monthly goals – etc.

Periodically adjust them all according to each other, so you have the motivation of always operating in a single, harmonized universe.

Keep the dream sharply visualized.

Don’t be afraid of adjustments – think of life as a ship’s journey – course corrections are inevitable and necessary.

Occasionally remind yourself of these two quotations;

1 “If you don’t think about the future, you won’t have one.” Henry Ford

2 “The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.”  – Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke’s statement takes us even deeper by telling us that we create our future by what we are.  The current master of ‘being’ is Eckhart Tolle.

Have fun singing your song.  Keep the dream – even if a ‘credit crunch’ means you have to do stuff that is a temporary delay.

Sometimes just surviving is the biggest step you can make that particular day – but that day in the future will be seen as being just as important – because you didn’t give up!


NB This article was inspired by Steve Chandler’s brilliant ‘100 Ways to Motivate Yourself’, one of my Top 10 Personal Development texts.

Captain Bob, adventure, self-education, motivation and tall ships!

What do you get if you add self-education, adventure, reflection, motivation and tall ships. Answer you get Captain Bob!

Tall-ships training – just one of Captain Bob’s projects for youth

I found this remarkable man and his site whilst looking for stuff on motivation. It is a treasure-trove of great ideas.

There is much to learn from him re many areas of life.

Here are his ‘revolutionary’ (but common-sense) views concerning the way we deal with (abuse) our youth. He is talking about the USA abut things are about as bad in the UK and other countries;

Our Society is at WAR with Our Youth!

The following articles illustrate the urgent need for education reform. Teenagers, in increasing numbers, are walking away from the public education system. Some high schools have a 70% dropout rate. More money is not the answer, the answer is found in alternative education methods.

We are at WAR with 30% of our teenagers, the one’s who drop out of high school. We are loosing this war, because our weapon is to pass MORE laws that pressure them to comply with the system. This has not worked and never will. These young people need alternative opportunity, NOT JAIL CELLS! After all, there is not much difference between a classroom where one is not wanted and a jail cell where one is not wanted. To many, a classroom is a prison without bars.

Many of these teenagers are highly intelligent, but they cannot adapt to passive learning environments, they reject the classroom form of education, therefore, they simply choose to walk away from the system. Through self-fulfilling prophecy they consider themselves failures and become a burden on society. In a different learning environment they can discover their natural talent, develop it and become productive citizens.

Mindset of Street Gangs
They are highly intelligent, ambitious, want to learn, and be recognized as an achiever.
Wiz Kids go to Jail
Wiz kids are put in jail because they refuse to conform to passive classroom learning environments. Because the education system labels them FAILURES, they turn to criminal activity to be recognized.
Drugging Students to Accept the Status Quo
Society is now drugging our youth with behavior control pills, nulling the skill that makes them creative. They learn to accept the status quo. This new generation may make a comfortable living, but they will have lost the ability to be innovators. Soon, America will have a generation of people who can earn “A’s” in the classroom, but have no vision in the real world.
Teaching Young Students to be Failures
The typical high school teaches 30% of its students to be failures. This is because the curriculum only recognizes academic skills and students intelligence is measured by this standard. Non academic skills and associated intelligence are ignored, skills these students could excel at.

To go to Captain Bob’s website including the ‘let’s-care-better-for-our-youth’ section click HERE

His Table of Contents is useful because it is a large site

Captain Bob’s 3 part model

Is this the No 1 site on experience-based motivation?

I think it is pure gold. The issue is how to get local governments and communities and education authorities to listen – really listen and really committ sving the millions that youth-gone-toxic cost our societies – let alone thir own misery!

He’s collected some pretty good quotes as well. E.g.;

“Leadership is constantly changing, and survivors learn to change with it.”
“Yesterday, natural resources defined power. Today, knowledge is power. Yesterday, leaders commanded and controlled. Today, leaders empower and coach. Yesterday, leaders were warriors. Today, they are facilitators. Yesterday, managers directed. Today, managers delegate. Yesterday, supervisors flourished. Today, supervisors vanish.”
— Dr. Denis Waitley, The Toastmaster, December 2000.


SEE also Learning Motivation for Success

All postings to this site relate to the central model in the PhD.

Summaries are HERE